Person Centered Care and Recovery

Where Do We Go From Here? – January 2022

“ … a person with mental illness can recover even though the illness is not “cured” … [Recovery] is a way of living a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life even with the limitations caused by illness. Recovery involves the development of new meaning and purpose in one’s life as one grows beyond the catastrophic effects of mental illness”. (Anthony, 1993).

Anthony’s statement provides a poignant starting premise for building use of re609F60covery principles, supporting attitudinal transformation in our staff and integrating empowering principles and tools in our planning and work, collaborating with the persons we serve.

Catawba Hospital Mission Statement: To support the continuous process of recovery by providing quality psychiatric services to those individuals entrusted to our care.

Catawba Hospital Vision Statement: EXCELLENCE
Catawba Hospital CORE Values: EXCELLENCE in

  • Clinical Service
  • Consumer Recovery
  • Corporate Stewardship

The following document represents the efforts of Catawba Hospital staff in our planning process for improving the recovery-based treatment and supports for those individuals who utilize our services, as well as those individuals who care for and support them.

Recovery Initiatives

Enhance and formalize structure and providing active treatment based on the program guidelinesIntermittently poll individuals regarding what would support their participation in Active Treatment programming

Review Treatment Mall Guidelines

Ongoing development/revision of groups including changing names, updating group descriptions, referral criteria and treatment processes.
Continue to keep record of treatment mall and on unit census

Groups are developed or revised as indicated to provide person-centered care.
July 2021 surveys for patients and staff completed

AT will offer another survey opportunity in the summer of 2022 or sooner if indicated
AT StaffImplemented November 2021

Delayed start due to COVID-19 in fall of 2021 and put on hold temporarily any time there is higher COVID-19 risk. On unit programming is offered during these times.
Active Treatment opportunities available for non-treatment mall timesDevelop options to provide programming in other patient care areas, 7 days a week.Active treatment program development.January 2019- ongoing

New programming plan was implemented in November 2021 with more structured outside time scheduled.
AT plans Tx Mall Schedule, and assists in planning of on Unit groups.MHTs and AT facilitate groups 7 days a week.
To review and update policies regarding pet visitation and/or the feasibility of incorporating pet therapy sessions into active treatmentThe adjunctive therapy department has a recreational therapy student who has been assigned to research pet visitation and pet therapy policies across the state system. She will pair this information with what empirically-based articles suggest.The recreational therapy student will create a PowerPoint presentation and will also include a Qualtrics survey to poll staff members about their thoughts and feelings related to pet visits and pet therapy.

Data will be presented to staff and to the Recovery Committee.
March 2022AT StaffRecreational therapy student has started researching this topic and is scheduled to present the findings to staff in February 2022
Enhance the aesthetic elements of the treatment environment in the lobby, Treatment Mall, and Building 24Continue with creating new artwork in Art Creations, Music, and Expressive Journaling groups.

Ask for submissions from individuals served.

Collaborate with The Frame Connection in Salem.
Artwork and framing system researched by members of the team.

Approved environmental changes have been completed in the lobby.
Lobby was completed in Fall 2018

The first round of framed art has been installed at the treatment mall.

Additional art has been framed and is scheduled to be hung at the Treatment Mall and Administration Building in 2022
AT Staff, B&G Staff, Recovery Committee

*The Cultural Change committee has merged into the Recovery Committee
Lobby and 1st Floor Hallway completed.

Expected completion by end of 2022
Offer more sensory interventions throughout the week for individuals with dementia, sensory needs, and aggression riskUtilize Snoezelen items and create another sensory room at the treatment mall.Snoezelen items have been purchased.

The library shelves and books are now outside the foundation room and are easily accessible to all staff using their 1A1 key.

AT needs to create a layout for the sensory room in room C125 at the Treatment Mall.

AT has a recreational therapy student who started in January 2022 and she has been assigned a research project on ways to implement sensory interventions in a mental health setting.
December 2022AT Staff, B&G StaffA work order has been created. The shelves have been moved to outside the foundation room space. B&G is working on creating a layout and a way to utilize the space.

A recreational therapy student is scheduled to provide a grand rounds on sensory interventions during the Spring of 2022.
Provide information on recovery model and its core principles during the onboarding processAT staff will provide recovery education during each orientation.AT staff will sign off on the orientation form of each employee related to hospital-wide recovery model review.January 2022-present.

AT will update the recovery model flyer for all new employees in the Spring of 2022
AT Staff, Staff DevelopmentEducation to new employees will happen during every scheduled orientation.
Treatment planning education and auditsTreatment planning training will be completed as changes are made to the policy based on any accreditation survey findings or recommendations.AT staff will work together to do chart audits using the revised chart audit form.

AT staff will report audit findings during director staff and quality council.
May 2021- ongoingQM, AT StaffEducation to treatment plan authors is ongoing.
Individuals served will be asked to provide personal recovery goals.Treatment team members will incorporate individuals’ short and long-term personal goals into their care plans.Personal recovery goals will be included in the treatment planning audit.July 2021- ongoingAT staff, HIMIncorporating personal recovery goals into care is ongoing.