Adjunctive Therapy
A wide range of therapeutic services are provided by the Adjunctive Therapy Department including occupational, music, horticulture and recreation therapy. A dedicated patient activities building provides 9,034 square feet of space for a variety of therapeutic programs.
Medical Services
Medical care is provided by Physicians and Nurses. Pharmacy, laboratory and x-ray services are available on the premises.
Nursing Services
Members of the Nursing Departments offer qualified care by registered nurses, psychiatric practical nurses and psychiatric aides. In addition to individualized nursing care, the staff also provide a variety of psychosocial programs.
Psychiatrist and Other Physician Services
Medical Staff include full time physicians who provide services in psychiatry, internal medicine, and general medicine. Consulting medical staff provide services in neurology, internal medicine, orthopedic and general surgery, podiatry, dentistry and other specialties.
Psychology Services
Members of the Psychology Department conduct diagnostic testing as well as individual and group therapy.
Social Work Services
Members of the Social Work Department provide the primary link between the patients, their families and the community. A social worker is assigned to each patient for counseling and discharge planning.