Parents & Friends of Southeastern Virginia Training Center, Inc. [a 501(c) (3) Organization incorporated in 1981] is a nonprofit Corporation. The organization consists of parents, friends, guardians, authorized representatives, and other supportive citizens. The primary mission is to promote the well-being and development of all persons who reside at the Southeastern Virginia Training Center (SEVTC).

Parents & Friends gives support for families, individuals, and organizations advocating “quality care” and “placement choice” for persons with Intellectual Disabilities (ID/DD) residing at SEVTC. Activities and projects throughout the year include sponsoring and participating in special events and contributing to SEVTC Volunteer Services.

Parents & Friends provides assistance to the Facility Director and SEVTC staff to effectively meet the needs of individual SEVTC residents. Examples include:

1. Enhancing the development of education, training, and habitation,
2. Protecting the rights of citizens with ID
3. Encouraging federal, state, and local legislators to achieve these goals.

Parents & Friends of SEVTC, Inc. works diligently to secure programs and funding from the Governor and the General Assembly for quality long-term care of the SEVTC residents.

Contacting Parents & Friends

Parents & Friends of SEVTC
c/o of Armelia Bell, President
220 Hensley Drive
Newport News, VA 23602


Meetings are held at SEVTC at 2:00 PM, on the second Sunday in January, March, July, September and November and on the third Sunday in May.