Mission Statement:
VCBR provides recovery, opportunity, and support so that residents may safely return to and remain in their communities
Vision Statement:
VCBR will be the model treatment facility of Sexually Violent Predators in the nation.
VCBR Values:
We believe we can best fulfill our vision and accomplish our mission by demonstrating and living the following values:

VCBR Treatment Program
Twenty states and the Federal system have statutes for committing the highest risk sex offenders at the end of their prison sentence. VCBR is the only facility in the Commonwealth that provides such service and is a national leader in the treatment and rehabilitation of sexually violent predators. The treatment program offers research-informed treatment in three phases focused on learning to control sexual behavior and aggression, developing insight into risk factors and practicing adaptive coping responses, and transitioning back to the community. Since inception, many residents have been court-determined to have successfully completed the treatment program at VCBR and have been conditionally released.