Available for Various Stages of Recovery

At NVMHI, we have a recovery-focused and person-centered approach to treatment programming. Our goal is to provide treatment programming that will better prepare individuals for discharge back into the community. We focus on promoting skill development, personal recovery, community reintegration and quality of life.
Programming is available to individuals at various stages of their recovery. Treatment schedules are developed in collaboration with the individual and based on each person’s clinical needs.
We provide programming that specifically focuses on clinical needs such as:
- Cognitive Disorders
- Mood and Anxiety Disorders
- Personality and Trauma Disorders
- Psychotic Disorders
- Substance Use Disorders
We offer both group interventions and individual therapy sessions facilitated by a variety of disciplines and specialists:
Art Therapists | Music Therapists |
Certified Peer Support Specialists | Nursing Department |
Chaplains | Occupational Therapists |
Clinical Social Workers | Psychological Services |
Forensic Mental Health Specialist | Recreational Therapists |
Types of programming we provide include:
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings | Medication Education |
Art Therapy | Men’s Health |
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)) | Music Therapy |
Community Re-Integration Outings | Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings |
Competency Restoration | Pet Visitation |
Coping Skills | Pre-Vocational Training |
Computer Skills Training | Spiritual & Interfaith Services |
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) | Therapeutic Recreation Activities |
Employment Supports | Transportation Skills |
Group Psychotherapy | Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) |
Living Skills | Women’s Health |
In addition to programming during treatment hours, we also have clinical staff that provide evening and weekend programming.