Departmental Objective
To make Recovery-Oriented Care accessible to all. Recovery: “We get it!”
Central Rehabilitation Services
Mission: Recovery-focused and person-centered approach to skills building opportunities that are offered in the Arenas of Living, Learning, Working and Social. Rehab programs are designed to assist individuals with improving their health and wellness and enhancing daily functioning while developing positive supports in order to be successful and satisfied in environmental roles of their choice.
Rehab Department offers group interventions, individualized sessions as needed and special therapeutic activities that are facilitated by Educational, Recreational, Vocational, and Wellness Rehab Specialists. We focus on increasing motivation and readiness for individuals to achieve their recovery goals, work towards community reintegration and increase quality of life.
Rehab Resource Coordinators
Serves on the individual’s treatment team as the liaison for Central Rehabilitation Services. Rehab Assessments are completed with individual to determine personal treatment goals/objectives and to select appropriate rehab interventions to meet needs during their stay at SWVMHI. Rehab Resource Coordinators also evaluates safety, progress and program effectiveness.
Volunteer Services Objective
To promote healthy changes for the people we serve by partnering up with individuals from the community willing to volunteer their time to assist in the operations of SWVMHI. Volunteers must submit an application and will be interviewed to determine interests and placements. Volunteer opportunities include: Facilitator of Chaplain Services, Music Worship Volunteer, Bonanza Assistant, and/or Special Events Assistant.

Rehab Services Director

Administrative Assistant for
Rehab Services