Hiram W. Davis Medical Center is one of 12 inpatient facilities operated by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.
Hiram W. Davis Medical Center, located in Petersburg, Virginia, is a 94-bed medical facility providing acute medical diagnoses, skilled care, intermediate care, and long term care to individuals receiving services in DBHDS facilities and within the community that have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Admissions to HWDMC are generally either permanent placement or special hospitalization. Patients typically come to HWDMC as a special hospitalization for step-down to stabilize, post-surgery rehabilitation, or long-term care.
The Joint Commission (TJC) provides accreditation to HWDMC’s hospital and laboratory services. HWDMC is also certified through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as a long-term care facility.
Hiram Davis’ resident facility includes fifty skilled nursing facility beds, forty long-term care beds, and four general medical beds. One hundred percent of HWDMC’s case load is medically compromised and are fragile individuals with multiple co-morbidities. Typical medical diagnoses admitted for care at HWDMC include: aspiration syndrome, recurrent pneumonia, COPD, hypertension, diabetes, recurrent UTI and renal calculi, seizure disorders, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia, contractures, arthritis, etc.
The medical staff at Hiram Davis Medical Center is comprised of three full-time physicians, one nurse practitioner, and two dentists. HWDMC also has many consultants under contract for psychiatry, psychology, anesthesia, as well as medical and surgical services. In addition, we utilize local community hospitals (i.e., Southside Regional Medical Center, John Randolph Hospital, and the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System) for care of its patients when their needs exceed our capability.
Ancillary services at HWDMC are provided by the laboratory (which is TJC and CLIA accredited—Pharmacy) Occupational and Physical therapy departments, Speech Language Pathology, Audiology, Dental Services, Recreation Therapy, Radiology and EKG, Pre/Post-Surgical and Operating Room for dental cases and minor surgeries, and wheelchair rehabilitation. In addition, the Operating Room provides services under general anesthesia and deep sedation for intensive dental cases, podiatry, GYN, and other minor surgeries. The Medical/Surgical clinics provides outpatient services to both DBHDS mental inpatients and individuals with intellectual development disorders (IDD) from the community. These services include: Internal Medicine, Orthopedics, OB/GYN, Dermatology, Optometry, General Surgery, Gastroenterology, and Podiatry.
Hiram Davis Medical Center provides comfort care to residents and patients who are at the end-of-life stage. Although HWDMC is not a licensed hospice care facility, we have a contract with Odyssey Hospice to provide pain assessment and management that exceed our capability.