HWDMC offers Therapeutic Recreation to enhance the quality of life to each of our residents. We found that it is beneficial for individuals to stay active, both physically and mentally, by taking advantage of the many opportunities and recreational options that we offer. Each Resident has an individualized care plan tailored for them to maximize their overall wellbeing, improve their mental and physical health and to enhance their overall quality of life. The recreation staff here at Hiram Davis Medical Center provide day, evening, bedside, after hours and weekend activities for our residents.

The recreation team at HWDMC caters activities for all residents based on their abilities and functioning levels. Some of the activities that are provided to the residents include a variety of 1:1 activities, arts & crafts, music therapy, outside/fresh air relaxation sessions, pet therapy, van rides/community outings, movie/story time, virtual family/friends visitation, sensory stimulation and other special events. We are a fully staffed department with two Recreational Therapists and three Recreation assistants.