Resources for Support Coordinators and Case Managers

Included below are some tools that DBHDS developed for Support Coordinators and Case Managers as they support people in the Settlement Agreement population access their own rental housing in the community.

If you are a assisting an eligible individual and need technical assistance, please feel free to contact the DBHDS Housing Specialist in your area.

Making a Housing Referral
DBHDS Housing Referral and Planning Tools

Support coordinators who make referrals for DBHDS housing resources must complete the Housing Referral Form. The Housing Action Plan is a tool that may be used to assist and guide successful preparation for independent housing planning.

If a referred individual already leases his/her own housing, include the Housing Financial Needs Form. Type information directly into the PDF forms. Submit all documents by secure email to DBHDS will not accept illegible forms.

Educating Individuals About Integrated, Independent Housing Options

Housing Assessment and Person Centered Planning

Guardianship, Leases and Housing Search

Live-in Caregivers

Moving In

Roommate Search

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