Did you know thousands of adults in Virginia with a developmental disability who are included in the Settlement Agreement population are living in their own home in the community with natural, Medicaid waiver and other supports? Many have done so using housing resources made available specifically to this population. You can, too.
Please click here to access a map that shows where eligible individuals can access dedicated housing resources that have been made available to help adults in the Settlement Agreement Population who want to live in their own home in the community with supports.
If you or someone that you know is interested in learning more about the resources available to help people in the Settlement Agreement Population access their own rental housing in the community, please click the link below titled “The Path To Housing”.
Need Some Assistance Navigating the Path to Housing?
DBHDS has housing specialists across the Commonwealth of Virginia to help answer your questions. Click here for information on how to contact a DBHDS Housing Team member in your area.
Independent Housing Outcomes
DBHDS and its state, regional and local partners have been working collaboratively to increase the number of housing options available to people in the Settlement Agreement population. Please click the links below for an update related to the number of people in the Settlement Agreement population that are living in their own homes.
- Housing Outcomes FY25 Q2
- Housing Outcomes FY25 Q1
- Housing Outcomes FY24 Q4
- Housing Outcomes FY24 Q3
- Housing Outcomes FY24 Q2
- Housing Outcomes FY24 Q1
- Housing Outcomes FY23 Q4
- Housing Outcomes FY23 Q3
- Housing Outcomes FY23 Q2
- Housing Outcomes FY23 Q1
Housing Plan
In March 2013, the Commonwealth developed “Virginia’s Plan to Increase Independent Living Options”. This Plan is updated each calendar year, as needed. If you are interested in reviewing the initial plan or subsequent updates, please click one of the links below.
Virginia’s Plan to Increase Independent Living Options (March 6, 2013)
- Update (October 2014)
- Update (January 2016)
- Update (January 2017)
- Update (January 2018)
- Update (January 2019)
- Update (January 2020)
- Update (January 2021)
- Update (January 2022)
- Update (January 2023)
- Update (January 2024)
Resources for Support Coordinators
Please click here for resources Support Coordinators can use to connect people with developmental disabilities to independent housing resources.
Resources for Community Housing Guides
Please click here for resources Community Housing Guides can use to help people with developmental disabilities transition to and sustain independent housing.