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Computerized Human Rights Information System (CHRIS)

Welcome to the Computerized Human Rights Information System (CHRIS). CHRIS is organized like the existing paper reporting system currently in use The regulatory requirements and process flow for the CHRIS system remain the same as the paper system. To help you with the new CHRIS electronic system, links to the User’s Guide, Frequently Asked Questions, and Training Modules can be found below. UPDATES TO CHRIS (8/15/2019)

Providers should now see a note on the home screen of CHRIS saying,  “Changes have been made to the Complaint Tab to reflect the removal of a distinction between informal and formal complaint resolution, as a result of the revision to the Human Rights regulations.”

The following is a description of the changes. Note –  abuse/neglect will continue to be captured in CHRIS, under the heading of Allegation.

  • After you have entered the demographic information and you are identifying the specific section of the regulations that the individual is complaining under – you will notice the selection Complaint and Fair Hearing section 140 has been deactivated and New Section 105 – Behavioral Treatment Plans has been added as well as a list of sub category selections related to the use, development and review of behavior plans. You will also notice the entire STATUS section has been removed.
  • Under the Findings Tab the title has changed to simply say COMPLAINT FINDINGS and you will see new fields of entry including: the “Date Investigation Initiated”, the “Point of Resolution”, the “Date Resolution was offered” and “Description of Resolution Offered”. The drop down menu for “Resolution”, remains but “appeal to executive director” has been deactivated because that step was the gateway between informal and formal complaint resolution. Also, the Notification heading has been expanded to say “NOTIFICATION OF RIGHT TO APPEAL”. Other updates to this tab include changing “Date Individual Notified” to  “Date Individual/AR notified” and changing the “Date Substitute Decision-Maker Notified” to “Date Resolution Accepted/Declined”


Training Manuals