What we do

The Office of Recovery Services (ORS) was created though a collaborative effort by stakeholders who hold a belief that recovery, resiliency and self-advocacy are the foundations of system transformation. Our 2023 Strategic Plan includes the following Vision, Mission, and Values we embody.
Vision: Hope… Above All Else!
The Office of Recovery Services is comprised of individuals in recovery. Leveraging our personal lived experience, we advocate for, train, and enhance the peer and family support workforce community. We empower individuals exploring and living in successful recovery, as well as their natural supports and family members, throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Values: Compassion – Diversity and Inclusion – Collaboration – Excellence – Integrity – Equality – Justice
- Select a Section for More Information
- Office of Recovery Services
- Recovery Leadership Academy (RLA)
- Here’s What We’re Doing
- Problem Gambling
- Certified Recovery Residences
- Recovery Blast/ORS Flash
About Us
Our team is dedicated to serving Virginia in their recovery endeavors.
Director: Alethea Lambert (alethea.lambert@dbhds.virginia.gov)
Regional Recovery-Oriented Services Manager: Kim Boyd (kim.boyd@dbhds.virginia.gov)
Lead Problem Gambling Coordinator: Donald McCourtney (donald.mccourtney@dbhds.virginia.gov)
Recovery Services Workforce Development Coordinator: Mary McQuown (mary.mcquown@dbhds.virginia.gov)
Recovery Services Coordinator: Sherea Ryan (sherea.ryan@dbhds.virginia.gov)
Recovery Residence Quality Assurance Coordinator: Tiffani Wells (tiffani.wells@dbhds.virginia.gov)
Regional Recovery-Oriented Services Coordinators:
Region 1: Erin Tucker (erin.tucker@dbhds.virginia.gov)
Region 2: Jalna Harris (jalna.harris@dbhds.virginia.gov)
Region 3: Vacant
Region 4: Carla Heath and Bently Wood (please contact RBHA for more information)
Region 5: Renee Cox-Edwards (katherine.cox-edwards@dbhds.virginia.gov)
What is Peer Support?
The provision of Peer Support Services facilitates Recovery from both serious mental health conditions and substance use disorders. Peer support services are an evidence-based model of care which consists of a qualified peer support provider who assists individuals with their recovery.
What is a Peer Recovery Specialist? A Peer Recovery Specialist “PRS” is a self-identified person with lived experience with a mental health condition and/or substance use disorder who is in successful and ongoing recovery from mental health and/or substance use disorders. Peer Support Services and Family Support Partners use their lived experience to support another person’s exploration of recovery-based services that can help them overcome the impact of mental illnesses or substance use disorders.
What are Peer Recovery Specialist
PRS Certification and Registration Pathways
Mental Health Run Peer Programs
What is a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist?
Certified Peer Recovery Specialists (CPRS) provide non-clinical, person-centered, strengths based, wellness focused, and trauma-informed support while helping to ensure the person’s wellness-recovery plan reveals the needs and preferences of the person being served to complete their measurable and personalized goals. Certification is not mandatory for employment in Virginia. Certification is mandatory to register with the Department of Health Professions Board of Counseling. Registration with the Board of Counseling is required for billing Medicaid. Certification from any National or State certification body that meets Virginia standards is recognized for the purposes of Registration.
For more information
- CPRS Practice Guidelines
- CPRS Core Competencies
- Virginia Certification Board Certified Peer Recovery Specialist Application
- CPRS Code of Ethics
- PRS Trainings
PRS Supervisor Training
The Office of Recovery (ORS) at DBHDS offers training for supervisors of Peer Recovery Specialist for the state of Virginia. This training is available to anyone and is mandatory for those who supervise Registered Peer Recovery Specialists whose services will be billed to Medicaid.
For more additional questions or more information about PRS/training dates please contact Mary McQuown Recovery Services Workforce Development Coordinator.
Medicaid Reimbursement
As July 1, 2017, the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) has expanded the Medicaid benefit to allow for credentialing and reimbursement of Peer Support and Family Support Partner Services. This is in response to a legislative mandate to implement Peer Support Services to eligible children and adults who have mental health conditions and/or substance use disorders. Medicaid will reimburse for Peer services offered at any phase of the American Society of Addiction Medicine Criteria (ASAM Criteria).
[For more information]
- Mental Health and ARTS Peer Support Services Provider Manual Supplement
- Mental Health and ARTS Peer Recovery Services Organizational Staff Roster
- Mental Health and ARTS Peer Recovery Services Attestation Checklist
- One Pager – MH Peer Support Services
- One Pager – ARTS Peer Support Services
- ARTS Fact Sheet
Recovery Blast is a periodic email that the Office of Recovery Services uses to keep people up to date on trainings & certification, recovery-oriented events, job openings, information on evidence-based practices and other important recovery information.
If interested in being added to the email distribution list send a request email to: Mary McQuown Recovery Services Workforce Development Coordinator.
If you are interested in being removed from with the Recovery send a request email to Mary McQuown Recovery Services Workforce Development Coordinator.
Links to Recovery Resources
Links to Recovery Resources
- VPRSN Virginia Peer Recovery Specialist Network
- Virginia Organization of Consumers Asserting Leadership (VOCAL)
- Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery Alliance (SAARA) of Virginia
- Mental Health America of Virginia (MHAV)
- NAMI Virginia National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Virginia Chapter
- Family Run Executive Director Leadership Association (FREDLA)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSS TACS)
- Virginia Veteran and Family Support Program (VVFS)
- Virginia Commonwealth University- Rams in Recovery