Housing Team
DBHDS has hired Integrated Community Options Specialists (also referred to as “Regional Housing Specialists”) in each of DBHDS’s five Developmental Services Regions.
The Integrated Community Options Specialists are responsible for developing local, regional and statewide relationships and identifying potential resources necessary to increase the availability of and access to affordable and accessible housing for individuals with a developmental disability who are Medicaid Waiver recipients or those who are eligible for a Medicaid Waiver and possibly on the waiver waiting lists (“target population”).
The Integrated Community Options Specialists are also charged with furthering the department’s efforts to implement best practices in integrated, independent supportive housing for the target population as part of complying with the U.S. Department of Justice Settlement Agreement with the Commonwealth of Virginia, implementing “Virginia’s Plan to Increase Access to Independent Living Options” and to help all Virginians realize a life of possibilities.
Housing Office Contact Information
(804) 225-2740