For Providers
NEW CHANGES FOR MENTAL HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS: 988 is streamlining the Mobile Crisis Response Process starting December 15, 2023.
Virginia is transforming its behavioral health crisis system into a fully integrated, statewide continuum of services based on the Crisis Now Model, to ensure that every Virginian in crisis has someone to call, someone who will respond to them, and somewhere to go when they need help. Consistent with SAMHSA’s best practice model, the 988 crisis call centers will be our central point of “air traffic control.”
As of December 15, 2023:
- The 988 Call Center, regional crisis hub, or their contractors will assess each call to determine if a Mobile Crisis Response is indicated.
- Mobile Crisis Response will be dispatched only by the 988 call centers or regional crisis hubs after a determination is made.
- Providers will not be able to register Mobile Crisis Response cases directly in Virginia Crisis Connect.
- Providers of Mobile Crisis Response will be dispatched to referrals via Virginia Crisis Connect.
- The Mobile Crisis Response provider dispatched to an individual by the 988 Call Center or regional crisis hub will be based on the provider’s proximity and their ability to respond in a timely manner.
For more information or questions about this process, please reach out to the Regional Crisis Hub that manages dispatch for your area.

Region 1:
Region 2:
Region 3:
Region 4:
Region 5:
Q. Where can I find more detailed information about this process change?
A. The Department of Medical Assistance Services and The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services have collaboratively conducted a webinar and written a full FAQ based on questions raised by private providers.
- Mobile Crisis Dispatch Webinar (YouTube) 11/16/2023
- Mobile Crisis Response FAQ 11/16/2023
Q. When will the call center dispatch Mobile Crisis to private providers?
A. Beginning 12/15, when an individual calls 988 or call center and requires mobile crisis response, the call center or regional Hub will dispatch the closest qualified provider to the individual.
Q. Can a provider directly dispatch mobile crisis response for or on behalf of their patient?
A. No. The team dispatched for mobile crisis response will be determined based on proximity to the individual in need, utilizing the geolocation function. Providers are responsible for ensuring that all team members are strategically positioned for dispatch, aligning with their business processes, staffing plans, licensing requirements, and other relevant considerations to maintain appropriate team composition and supervision. The geolocation function operates based on the logged-in user’s location within the platform.
Q. Will providers still be allowed to select which clinical teams can respond to the crisis when dispatched or will it be only for the clinicians that show available within Virginia Crisis Connect ?
A. The dispatched agency is responsible for the team response/composition.