The CSB shall meet these administrative performance requirements in submitting its performance contract, contract revisions, and mid-year and end-of-the-fiscal year performance contract reports in the CARS application, and monthly CCS extracts to the Department.
A. The performance contract and any revisions submitted by the CSB shall be:
- complete all required information is displayed in the correct places and all required Exhibits, including applicable signature pages, are included;
- consistent with Letter of Notification allocations or figures subsequently revised by or negotiated with the Department;
- prepared in accordance with instructions by the Department-
- received by the due dates listed in this Exhibit E
B. If the CSB does not meet these performance contract requirements, the Department may delay future payments of state and federal funds until satisfactory performance is achieved.
C. Mid-year and end-of-the-fiscal year performance contract reports submitted by the CSB shall be:
- complete, all required information is displayed in the correct places, all required data are included in the CARS application reports, and any other required information not included in CARS are submitted;
- consistent with the state and federal grant funds allocations in the Letter of Notification or figures subsequently revised by or negotiated with the Department;
- prepared in accordance with instructions provided by the Department;
- (i) all related funding, expense, and cost data are consistent, and correct within a report, and (ii) errors identified are corrected; and
- received by the due dates listed in this Exhibit
D. If the CSB does not meet these requirements for its mid-year and end-of-the-fiscal year CARS reports, the Department may delay future payments until satisfactory performance is achieved. The Department may impose one-time reductions of state funds apportioned for CSB administrative expenses on a CSB for its failure to meet the requirements in its end-of-the-fiscal year CARS report may have a one percent reduction not to exceed $15,000 unless an extension has been granted by the Department.
E. The CSB shall submit monthly extra files by the end of the month following the month for which the data is extracted in accordance with the CCS Extract Specifications, including the current business rules.
F. If the CSB fails to meet the extract submission requirements in this Exhibit, the Department may delay payments until satisfactory performance is achieved. If the Department has not provided the CCS extract application to the CSB in time for it to transmit its monthly submissions this requirement does not apply.
G. If the Department negotiates a corrective action plan with a CSB because of unacceptable data quality, and the CSB fails to satisfy the requirements by the end of the contract term, the Department may impose a one-time one percent reduction not to exceed a total of $15,000 of state funds apportioned for CSB administrative expenses..
H. The CSB shall not allocate or transfer a one-time reduction of state funds apportioned for administrative expenses to direct service or program costs.
I. Process for Obtaining an Extension of the End-of-the-Fiscal Year CARS Report Due Date
- Extension Request: The Department will grant an extension only in very exceptional situations such as a catastrophic information system failure, a key staff person’s unanticipated illness or accident, or a local emergency or disaster situation that makes it impossible to meet the due date.
- It is the responsibility of the CSB to obtain and confirm the Department’s approval of an extension of the due date within the time frames specified below. Failure of the CSB to fulfill this responsibility constitutes prima facie acceptance by the CSB of any resulting one-time reduction in state funds apportioned for administrative expenses.
- As soon as CSB staff becomes aware that it cannot submit the end-of-the-fiscal year CARS report by the due date to the Department, the executive director must inform the Office of Management Services (OMS) through the email mailbox that it is requesting an extension of this due date. This request should be submitted as soon as possible and describe completely the reason(s) and need for the extension and state the date on which the report will be received by the Department.
- The request for an extension must be received in the OMS no later than 5:00 p.m. on the fourth business day before the due date through the email mailbox. Telephone extension requests are not acceptable and will not be processed.
- The OMS will act on all requests for due date extensions that are received in accordance with this process and will notify the requesting CSBs of the status of their requests within 2 business of receipt. J.Exhibit A Revision Instructions:
J. Exhibit A Revision Instructions:
- Revisions of Exhibit A can only be submitted through the CARS application
- The CSB may revise Exhibit A of its signed contract only in the following circumstances:
- A new, previously unavailable category or subcategory of services is implemented;
- An existing category or subcategory of services is totally eliminated;
- A new program offering an existing category or subcategory of services is implemented;
- A program offering an existing category or subcategory of services is eliminated;
- New restricted state or federal funds are received to expand an existing service or establish a new one;
- State or federal block grant funds are moved among program (mental health, developmental, or substance use disorder) areas or emergency or ancillary services (an exceptional situation);
- Allocations of state, federal, or local funds change; or
- A major error is discovered in the original contract.