SFTP Support Forms
CSB SFTP User Access Request Forms.
The purpose of this form is for persons who upload to Sftp for DBHDS submissions for CARS, CCS, PACT, Jail Diversion, or Consumer Satisfaction Survey.
Use this form to request the following types of access for those authorized by the Director at your CSB.
Access Request: Additions (new), Re-Enable, Modifications, Deletions or Extensions for existing accounts.
Please complete the form below.
Below are support pages where CSB’s can request assistance for the SFTP service.
Please complete the form below.
Use the form below to request DBHDS IT Support for SFTP connection issues with the data exchange process. This is the process used to transfer data for an individual’s Individual Support Plan (ISP) and Virginia Individual Developmental Disability Eligibility Survey (VIDES) into the Waiver Management System (WaMS).
Please complete the form below.