First Responder Training Program
No-Cost Naloxone and Accessory Cases for First Responders – Announcement
The Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services is excited to announce a new partnership with the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police (VACP). VACP is administering the First Responders – Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (FR-CARA) grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
The overall aim of this grant is train and provide resources to first responders on carrying and naloxone for emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose.
For the purposes of this funding first responders include firefighters, law enforcement officers, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, or other legally organized and recognized volunteer organizations that respond to adverse opioid related incidents.
For the duration of this grant all First Responder REVIVE! trainings will be scheduled through VACP. Stephanie Diaz is the VACP Grant Program Manager. She can be reached at or by phone (804) 709-1094.
More information is available here
For all REVIVE! related questions please contact Tiana Vazquez, REVIVE! Program Coordinator at
REVIVE! Basic Training for First Responders: This training certifies attendees to administer Naloxone in the event of an overdose emergency. The training is between 1-1.5 hours long, and covers understanding opioids, how opioid overdoses happen, risk factors for opioid overdoses, and how to respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone.
REVIVE! Train the Trainer for First Responders: Successful completion of this training program is required to become a Certified Trainer of the REVIVE! Basic Training. This training program is approximately 2-3 hours long and covers understanding opioids, how opioid overdoses happen, risk factors for opioid overdoses, how to respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone, and the administrative requirements to conduct REVIVE! trainings.
REVIVE! Training Schedule: REVIVE! Trainings are being scheduled throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. To view scheduled trainings, please visit the VACP Calendar. To request a training in your area or for questions about REVIVE! trainings, please contact VACP Program Manager, Stephanie Diaz, at
Certified REVIVE! Trainers: To download a list of trainers certified to conduct the REVIVE! Basic Training for First Responders, click here. To view a list of master trainers qualified to conduct the Train the Trainers classes, please follow this link.
REVIVE! Law Enforcement Master Trainers are able to provide the Train the Trainer Course. Additional First Responder Master Trainers are needed, see the requirements to become a master trainer.
Northern Virginia
First Sgt. Christopher Anderson
Germanna Community College Police Department
Contact via email:
Chief Craig Branch
Germanna Community College Police Department
Contact via email:
Northwest Virginia
Lt. Kevin Freid
Greene Couny Sheriff’s Office
Contact via email:
Lt. Steve Southworth
Wintergreen Police Department
Contact via email:
Christopher Swingler
Green County Sheriff’s Office
Contact via email:
Southwest Virginia
Sgt, Michael Conroy
Virginia State Police
Contact via email:
Deputy Mike Hatfield
Buchanan County Sheriff’s Office
Contact via email:
Lt. Teresa Meade
Wise County Sheriff’s Office
Contact via email:
Central Virginia
Jennifer Mays
Virginia Department of Corrections
Contact via email:
Southeast Virginia
Special Agent Scott Wade
Virginia State Police
Contact via email: