Housing Choice Voucher
Housing Choice Voucher Admissions Preference for the Settlement Agreement Population
DBHDS continues to accept referrals from DD Support Coordinators and Private Case Managers for individuals in the target population that would like to live in their own rental housing with appropriate supports.
DBHDS maintains a referral list for housing choice vouchers and eligible individuals are moved up on the list as referrals are made to Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) and other local housing choice voucher programs. If an individual’s name comes to the top of the list and he or she decides not to utilize the voucher, his or her name will be removed from the referral list and a new referral must be submitted in order for the individual’s name to be placed back on the list.
Referrals should only be made for individuals who have: 1) made an informed decision to live in their own rental housing; 2) are ready or can be ready to move within 120 days of being referred and/or approved for a voucher and 3) who have or will have adequate waiver, non-waiver and natural supports in place needed to attain and maintain their housing in the community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Prior to completing the referral form, please download and review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document. Please click here to download the FAQ document.
For more information, click here to view our Independent Housing Webinars. Webinar #2, “Rental Assistance and Housing Resources,” provides an overview of the Housing Choice Voucher Admissions Preference.
Referral Policies
Please click here to download the DBHDS Housing Resource Referral Policies.
Making a Housing Referral
Please click here to download the forms required to access Housing Choice Vouchers with an Admissions Preference and other housing resources for the Settlement Agreement Population. A CSB Support Coordinator or private case manager under contract with a Community Services Board must make the referral.
If the person that you are referring already lives in his or her own housing, please complete and submit the budget form attached to the referral.
Support Coordinator Checklist
The Support Coordinator/Case Manager checklist enumerates the tasks support coordinators/case managers should complete with individuals to ensure they are prepared to use housing resources (e.g., housing choice vouchers, SRAP, etc.) in a timely manner; if they are referred. Submission of a referral occurs after a variety of tasks have been accomplished. This is important as performing these steps first increases the likelihood a person will be prepared to use the housing resource, and decreases the chances a person will be determined ineligible or decline the housing resource after it is offered. If you need assistance with helping someone transition, please contact the DBHDS housing specialist for your region.
Please click here to download the checklist.