SystemLEAD Leadership Development Program

There is an increasing challenge for public agencies to attract and retain a workforce that provides quality and cost-effective services to the citizens of Virginia. It is essential that we begin to build a talent pool through training and development that can advance our mission of supporting individuals by promoting recovery, self-determination, and wellness in all aspects of life.
To address this challenge, DBHDS offers a comprehensive, long term leadership management initiative. A university-based leadership training certificate program that presents core management and basic leadership concepts and frameworks. Recognized leaders from across the Commonwealth explore the nature of management and leadership in policy formulation, development, and implementation and subject matter experts take participants on a deep dive into the key issues and priority areas currently facing the DBHDS system.
Over the nine-month program, key competencies for leadership will be used to increase the knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors for participants aspiring to a leadership role. The graphic below encompasses these competencies.
Program Eligibility Requirements:
- Full-time classified DBHDS or CSB employee.
- No active violations of state’s standards of conduct.
- Completed probationary period by the program start in January.
- Recent evaluation that meets or exceeds expectations.
- Aspire to be a leader within the organization.
Applicants must demonstrate through their resume and narrative the following knowledge, skills, and abilities:
- Introductory knowledge of management practices/principles.
- Analytical and problem solving skills.
- Communication skills (oral & written).
- Computer skills.
Over the nine month program, key competencies for leadership will be used to increase the knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors for participants aspiring to a leadership role.
Candidate Application
Complete application CLICK HERE TO APPLY
Email resume & signed performance evaluation to
Panel interviews – Early January
Selected Participants Announcement- January 17
SystemLEAD gives participants broad exposure to the competencies necessary to be a successful leader in our system. Participants will be selected using a competitive process requiring an application and two recommendations. Participants who are accepted to the program will be expected to:
- Attend one full weeklong session, monthly, day-long workshops.
- Complete pre-workshop readings and outside classwork.
- Participate in online learning communities.
- Contribute to team projects.
- Participate in workshop activities.
- Be prepared to speak in front of peers and system leaders.
- Be an active member of the cohort.
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