FY2024-2025 Performance Contract – General Terms and Conditions

1.       Purpose

The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (the “Department) and the Community Service Board or Behavioral Health Authority (the “CSB”) collectively hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”, enter into this contract for the purpose of funding services provided directly or contractually by the CSB in a manner that ensures accountability to the Department and quality of care for individuals receiving services and implements the mission of supporting individuals by promoting recovery, self-determination, and wellness in all aspects of life. 

Title 37.2 of the Code of Virginia, hereafter referred to as the Code, establishes the Virginia Department of

 Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, hereafter referred to as the Department, to support delivery of publicly funded community mental health (MH), develop mental (DD), and substance use (SUD), services and supports and authorizes the Department to fund those services.

Sections 37.2-500 through 37.2-512 of the Code require cities and counties to establish community services boards for the purpose of providing local public mental health, developmental, and substance use disorder services; §§ 37.2-600 through 37.2-615 authorize certain cities or counties to establish behavioral health authorities that plan and provide those same local public services.

This contract refers to the community services board, local government department with a policy-advisory community services board, or behavioral health authority named in this contract as the CSB. Section 37.2-500 or 37.2-601 of the Code requires the CSB to function as the single point of entry into publicly funded mental health, developmental, and substance use disorder services. The CSB fulfills this function for any person who is located in the CSB’s service area and needs mental health, developmental, or substance use disorder services.

Sections 37.2-508 and 37.2-608 of the Code and State Board Policy 4018, establish this contract as the primary accountability and funding mechanism between the Department and the CSB, and the CSB is applying for the assistance provided under Chapter 5 or 6 of Title 37.2 by submitting this contract to the Department.

The CSB exhibits, addendums, appendices, Administrative Requirements and Processes and Procedures, CCS Extract, Core Services Taxonomy, and Partnership Agreement documents are incorporated into and made a part of this contract by reference. The documents may include or incorporate ongoing statutory, regulatory, policy, and other requirements that are not contained in this contract. The CSB shall comply with all provisions and requirements. If there is a conflict between provisions in that document and this contract, the language in this contract shall prevail. 

2.       Defined Terms

Appropriation Act is defined as an Act for the appropriation of the Budget submitted by the Governor of Virginia in accordance with the provisions of § 2.2-1509 of the Code of Virginia and to provide a portion of the revenues for a two year period.

Federal Fiscal Year the Federal Fiscal Year begins on October 1 of the calendar and ends on September 31 of the subsequent calendar year.

Federal Funds theFederal Funds are funds that are allocated by the federal government and are provided to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services as the State of Virginia’s authority for the allocation, management, and oversight for the use of these specific funds.  The funds are considered restricted and must be used or encumbered during the federal fiscal year or extensions.  Any unused funds are required to be returned to the Department by the CSB and from there to the federal government in a timely manner. 

Fiscal Agent the Fiscal Agent has two specific purposes. 

The specific local government that is selected by the local governments or government participating in the establishment of a specific CSB and identified in the local resolutions passed by each locality in its creation of the CSB.  If the participating governments decide to select a different fiscal agent, it must be done through a local resolution passed by each participating local government that created the CSB.

The second purpose of Fiscal Agent is the specific CSB that has been selected by the CSB Region to receive state controlled funds from the Department and manage those funds in a way that has been identified in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) agreed to by each participating CSB in a regionally funded activity.  If the CSB acting as Fiscal Agent changes by decision of the Regional CSB, then that change must be noted in a revision to the existing MOU.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is an agreed upon process for the management of services, funds, or any rules or regulations that govern the processes all participating parties agree to follow for the common good of the participating parties.  In the case of the Community Services Performance Contract, or any activities funded through the Community Service Performance Contract, the MOU is agreed upon and signed for the delivery of services identified and funded through the Region the participating community services boards or behavioral health authority provide services in.  

Populations Served adults with serious mental illnesses, children with or at risk of serious emotional disturbance, individuals with developmental disabilities, or individuals with substance use disorders to the greatest extent possible within the resources available to it for this purpose.

Restricted Funds are funds identified separately in letters of notification, performance contracts, Exhibits D and Community Automated Reporting System (CARS) reports to be used for specified purposes; CSB must account for, and report expenditures associated with these funds to the Department.  This requirement is reflected in the CARS report forms with columns for expenditures and balances that are completed for any restricted funds received by a CSB. The uses of restricted funds usually are controlled and specified by a funding source, such as federal mental health and substance abuse block grants or the Appropriations Act passed by the General Assembly. The Department restricts funds that would otherwise be. An example is Other Funds, which are restricted to calculate balances of unexpended funds.

State Fiscal Year the State Fiscal Year (FY) begins July 1 of the calendar year and ends June 30 of the subsequent calendar year.

State General Funds these are funds that are appropriated by the Virginia General Assembly and are identified in each current Appropriation Act.  The act is not considered law until it is signed by the Governor of Virginia.

Unrestricted Funds are funds identified separately in letters of notification, performance contracts, and CARS reports but without specified purposes; CSB do not have to account for or report expenditures associated with them separately to the Department.

3.       Relationship

The Department functions as the state authority for the public mental health, developmental, and substance use disorder services system, and the CSB functions as the local authority for that system. The relationship between and the roles and responsibilities of the Department, the state hospitals and the CSB are described in the Partnership Agreement between the parties. This contract shall not be construed to establish any employer- employee or principal-agent relationship between employees of the CSB or its board of directors and the Department.

4.       Term and Termination

Term: This contract shall be in effect for a term of two years, commencing on July 1, 2023 and ending on June 30, 2024 unless either party gives ninety 90 days or more advance written notice of intent not to renew.

Termination: The Department may terminate all or a portion of this contract immediately at any time during the contract period if funds for this activity are withdrawn or not appropriated by the General Assembly or are not provided by the federal government. In this situation, the obligations of the Department and the CSB under this contract shall cease immediately. The CSB and Department shall make all reasonable efforts to ameliorate any negative consequences or effects of contract termination on individuals receiving services and CSB staff.

The CSB may terminate all or a portion of this contract immediately at any time during the contract period if funds for this activity are withdrawn or not appropriated by its local government(s) or other funding sources. In this situation, the obligations of the CSB and the Department under this contract shall cease immediately. The CSB and Department shall make all reasonable efforts to ameliorate any negative consequences or effects of contract termination on individuals receiving services and CSB staff.

5.       Contract Amendment

This contract, including all exhibits and incorporated documents, constitutes the entire agreement between the Department and the CSB and may be amended only by mutual agreement of the parties, in writing and signed by the parties hereto, except for the services identified in Exhibit A, amendments to services under Exhibit A shall be in accordance with the performance contract revision instructions contained in Exhibit E.

6.       Services

Exhibit A of this contract includes all mental health, developmental, and substance use disorder services provided or contracted by the CSB that are supported by the resources described in this contract. Services and certain terms used in this contract are defined in the current Core Services Taxonomy.

7.       Service Change Management

The CSB shall notify the Department 45 days prior to seeking to provide a new category or subcategory or stops providing an existing category or subcategory of services if the service is funded with more than 30 percent of state or federal funds or both by the Department. The CSB shall provide sufficient information to the Office of Management Services (OMS) through the performancecontractsupport@dbhds.virginia.gov for its review and approval of the change, and the CSB shall receive the Department’s approval before implementing the new service or stopping the existing service.

Pursuant to 12VAC35-105-60 of the Rules and Regulations for Licensing Providers by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, the CSB shall not modify a licensed service without submitting a modification notice to the Office of Licensing in the Department at least 45 days in advance of the proposed modification.

The CSB operating a residential crisis stabilization unit (RCSU) shall not increase or decrease the licensed number of beds in the RCSU or close it temporarily or permanently without providing 30 days advance notice to the Office of Licensing and the OMS and receiving the Department’s approval prior to implementing the change.

8.       Funding Requirements

A.     Funding Resources

Exhibit A of this contract provides an example of the following resources: state funds and federal funds appropriated by the General Assembly and allocated by the Department to the CSB and any other funds associated with or generated by the services shown in Exhibit A. CSB must review their CARS application for the most recent version of Exhibit A.

B.      Funding Allocations

  1. Section 15.A.and B. of this contract. The Commissioner or designee shall communicate all adjustments to the CSB in writing.

C.     Expenses for Services

The CSB shall provide those services funded by the Department set forth in Exhibit A and documented in the CSB’s financial management system. The CSB shall distribute its administrative and management expenses across the program areas (mental health, developmental, and substance use disorder services), emergency services, and ancillary services on a basis that is auditable and satisfies Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. CSB administrative and management expenses shall be reasonable and subject to review by the Department.

D.     Use of Funds

  1. The Department has the authority to impose additional conditions or requirements for use of funds, separate from those established requirements or conditions attached to appropriations of state-controlled funds by the General Assembly, the Governor, or federal granting authorities. The Department shall when possible provide sufficient notice in writing to the CSB of changes to the use of funds. 
  2. The CSB shall maximize billing and collecting Medicaid payments and other fees in all covered services to enable more efficient and effective use of the state and federal funds allocated to it.

E.      Availability of Funds

The Department and the CSB shall be bound by the provisions of this contract only to the extent of the funds available or that may hereafter become available for the purposes of the contract.

F.      Local Match

Pursuant to § 37.2-509 of the Code allocations from the Department to any community services board for operating expenses, including salaries and other costs, or the construction of facilities shall not exceed 90 percent of the total amount of state and local matching funds provided for these expenses or such construction, unless a waiver is granted by the Department and pursuant State Board Policy 4010.

State Board Policy 6005 and based on the Appropriation Act prohibition against using state funds to supplant funds provided by local governments for existing services, there should be no reduction of local matching funds as a result of a CSB’s retention of any balances of unspent state funds.

G.     Local Contact for Disbursement of Funds

  1. If the CSB is an operating CSB and has been authorized by the governing body of each city or county that established it to receive state and federal funds directly from the Department and act as its own fiscal agent pursuant to Subsection A.18 of § 37.2-504 of the Code, must send notification to include:
    • Name of the Fiscal Agent’s City Manager or County Administrator or Executive
    • Name of the Fiscal Agent’s County or City Treasurer or Director of Finance
    • Name, title, and address of the Fiscal Agent official or the name and address of the CSB if it acts as its own fiscal agent to whom checks should be electronically transmitted
  2. The notification must be sent to:
    Fiscal and Grants Management Office
    Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

H.     Unanticipated Changes in the Use of Funds Due to a Disaster   

The Department reserves the right to re-purpose the currently allocated funds to a CSB.  This action will not be done without clear deliberations between the Parties.  The decision can rest on the requirements outlined in an Executive Order Issued by the Governor, changes to the ability of the Department or the CSB to provide contracted services to the preservation of health and safety of individuals receiving services or the health and safety of staff providing services, or to decisions made by local government forbidding the provision of services, the funding allocations, the specific services intended to be funded, and the types and numbers of individuals projected to be served.

9.       Billing and Payment Terms and Conditions

I.        Federal Funds Invoicing

The CSB shall invoice the Department on a monthly basis no later than the 20th of the following month for which reimbursement is being requested.  The CSB will utilize the Departments grants management system to invoice the Department for federal funds reimbursement.  The CSB may be asked to include supporting documentation when the Department determines it is necessary to meet federal grant requirements. 

The CSB understands and agrees to all of the following:

  • CSB shall only be reimbursed for actual, reasonable, and necessary costs based on its award amounts.
  • An invoice under this agreement shall include only reimbursement requests for actual, reasonable, and necessary expenditures.
  • Expenditures required in the delivery of services shall be subject to any other provision of this agreement relating to allowable reimbursements.
  • An invoice under this agreement shall not include any reimbursement request for future expenditures.
  • An invoice under this agreement shall be processed when the Department’s FSGMO is in receipt of any required documentation.

J.       Payment Terms

Federal Funds shall be dispersed on a reimbursement basis with the exception of initial upfront one-time payments for cashflow considerations and one-time start-up costs.  The initial upfront one-time payment amounts may vary depending on programmatic needs.

All Exhibit Ds, Notice of Award, and DBHDS correspondence must be finalized by June 10th of the prior fiscal year to receive upfront payments with the first warrant of the new fiscal year. All other federal funds payments to CSB will be made monthly on a reimbursement basis.  To receive payment, the CSB must invoice the Department as provided in the policies and procedures established by the Office of Fiscal Services and Grants Management. 

State Funds shall be disbursed by the Department’s Fiscal Services and Grants Management Office as set forth in its established policies and procedures.

K.     Reconciliation and Closeout Disclosures

The CSB shall comply with state funding reconciliation and closeout and federal grant reconciliation and closeout disclosures and applicable policies and procedures established by the Office of Fiscal Services and Grants Management. If a CSB does not return its signed Exhibits D, Notices of Award, or other required documentation in a timely manner this may result in a delay of or ineligibility for receiving funding.

Unexpended federal funds must either be returned in the form of a check made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia and sent to:
Office of Fiscal and Grants Management
PO Box 1797
Richmond, VA 23218-1797
C/O Ramona Howell

Or CSB may return the funds electronically through an ACH transfer.  The transfer would be made to DBHDS’ Truist account.  The account information and DBHDS’ EIN is as follows:

Account Number: 201141795720002
Routing Number: 061000104
EIN: 546001731

Name and Address of Bank:
Truist Bank
214 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, NC 28202

If the ACH method of payment is utilized, please send an email indicating your intent to submit funds electronically to:


Approval to execute an ACH payment is not required, but DBHDS must be aware that the payment is coming in order to account for it properly.

10.   CSB Responsibilities

A.    Exhibit A

Shall be submitted electronically through the CARS application provided by the Department. In Exhibit A of the CARS application the CSB shall provide the projected array of services, the projected cost of those services, the projected service capacity to provide those services, and the projected cost for those services.

B.     Populations Served

The CSB shall provide needed services to adults with serious mental illnesses, children with or at risk of serious emotional disturbance, individuals with developmental disabilities, or individuals with substance use disorders to the greatest extent possible within the resources available to it for this purpose. The current Core Services Taxonomy defines these populations.

C.     Scope of Services

Exhibit G of this performance contract provides a scope of certain Code mandated and other program services a CSB may be responsible for providing but are not limited to those in Exhibit G.   

D.     Response to Complaints

Pursuant to § 37.2-504 or § 37.2-605 of the Code, the CSB shall implement procedures to satisfy the requirements for a local dispute resolution mechanism for individuals receiving services and to respond to complaints from individuals receiving services, family members, advocates, or other stakeholders as expeditiously as possible in a manner that seeks to achieve a satisfactory resolution and advises the complainant of any decision and the reason for it.

The CSB shall acknowledge complaints that the Department refers to it within five (5) business days of receipt and provide follow up commentary on them to the Department within 10 business days of receipt. The CSB shall post copies of its procedures in its public spaces and on its web site, provide copies to all individuals when they are admitted for services, and provide a copy to the Department upon request.

E.      Quality of Care

  1. Department CSB Performance Measures: CSB staff shall monitor the CSB’s outcome and performance measures in Exhibit B, identify and implement actions to improve its ranking on any measure on which it is below the benchmark, and present reports on the measures and actions at least quarterly during scheduled meetings of the CSB board of directors.
  2. Quality Improvement and Risk Management: The CSB shall develop, implement, and maintain a quality improvement plan, itself or in affiliation with other CSB, to improve services, ensure that services are provided in accordance with current acceptable professional practices, and address areas of risk and perceived risks. The quality improvement plan shall be reviewed annually and updated at least every four years.
    • The CSB shall develop, implement, and maintain, itself or in affiliation with other CSB, a risk management plan or participate in a local government’s risk management plan. The CSB shall work with the Department to identify how the CSB will address quality improvement activities.
    • The CSB shall implement, in collaboration with other CSB in its region, the state hospital(s) and training centers serving its region, and private providers involved with the public mental health, developmental, and substance use disorder services system, regional utilization management procedures and practices.
  3. Critical Incidents: The CSB shall implement procedures to ensure that the executive director is informed of any deaths, serious injuries, or allegations of abuse or neglect as defined in the Department’s Licensing (12VAC35-105-20) and Human Rights (12VAC35-115-30) Regulations when they are reported to the Department. The CSB shall provide a copy of its procedures to the Department upon request.

F.      Reporting Requirements and Data Quality

  1. Individual Outcome and CSB Provider Performance Measures
    • Measures: Pursuant to §37.2-508 or § 37.2-608 of the Code, the CSB shall report the data for individual outcome and CSB provider performance measures in Exhibit B of this contract to the Department.
    • Individual CSB Performance Measures: The Department may negotiate specific, time-limited measures with the CSB to address identified performance concerns or issues.  The measures shall be included as Exhibit D of this contract.
    • Individual Satisfaction Survey: Pursuant to §37.2-508 or § 37.2-608 of the Code, the CSB shall participate in the Annual Survey of Individuals Receiving MH and SUD Outpatient Services, the Annual Youth Services Survey for Families (i.e., Child MH survey), and the annual QSRs and the NCI Survey for individuals covered by the DOJ Settlement Agreement.
  2. Electronic Health Record: The CSB shall implement and maintain an electronic health record (EHR) that has been fully certified and is listed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology-Authorized Testing and Certification Body to improve the quality and accessibility of services, streamline, and reduce duplicate reporting and documentation requirements, obtain reimbursement for services, and exchange data with the Department and its state hospitals and training centers and other CSBs.
  3. Reporting Requirements: For purposes of reporting to the Department, the CSB shall comply with State Board Policy 1030 and shall:
    • Provide monthly Community Consumer Submission  (CCS) extracts that report individual characteristic and service data to the Department, as required by § 37.2- 508 or § 37.2-608 of the Code, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and Part C of Title XIX of the Public Health Services Act – Block Grants, § 1943 (a) (3) and § 1971 and § 1949, as amended by Public Law 106- 310, and as permitted under 45 CFR §§ 164.506 (c) (1) and (3) and 164.512 (a) (1) and (d) of the HIPAA regulations and §32.1-127.1:03.D (6) of the Code, and as defined in the current CCS Extract Specifications, including the current Business Rules.
    • Follow the current Core Services Taxonomy and CCS Extract Specifications, when responding to reporting requirements established by the Department.
    • Complete the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) annually that is used to compile and update the National Directory of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment Programs and the on-line Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator.
    • Follow the user acceptance testing process described in Appendix D of the CSB Administrative Requirements for new CCS Extract releases and participate in the user acceptance testing process when requested to do so by the Department.
    • Report service data on substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion services provided by the CSB that are supported wholly or in part by the SABG set aside for prevention services through the prevention data system planned and implemented by the Department in collaboration with the VACSB DMC, but report funding, expenditure, and cost data on these services through CARS); and report service, funding, expenditure, and cost data on any other mental health promotion services through CCS Extract and CARS.
    • Report data and information required by the current Appropriation Act.
    • Report data identified collaboratively by the Department and the CSB working through the VACSB DMC.
  4. Routine Reporting Requirements: The CSB shall account for all services, funds, expenses, and costs accurately and submit reports to the Department in a timely manner using current CARS, CCS, or other software provided by the Department. All reports shall be provided in the form and format prescribed by the Department. The CSB shall provide the following information and meet the following reporting requirements:
    • types and service capacities of services provided, costs for services provided, and funds received by source and amount and expenses paid by program area and for emergency and ancillary services semi-annually in CARS, and state and federal block grant funds expended by service category with the end-of-the-fiscal year CARS report;
    • demographic characteristics of individuals receiving services and types and amounts of services provided to each individual monthly through the current CCS;
    • Federal Balance Report;
    • PATH reports (mid-year and at the end of the fiscal year);
    • amounts of state, local, federal, Medicaid, other fees, other funds used to pay for services by service category in each program area and emergency and ancillary services in the end of the fiscal year CARS report; and
    • other reporting requirements in the current CCS Extract Specifications.
  5. Subsequent Reporting Requirements: In accordance with State Board Policy 1030, the CSB shall work with the Department through the VACSB DMC to ensure that current data and reporting requirements are consistent with each other and the current Core Services Taxonomy, the current CCS Extract, and the federal substance abuse Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) and other federal reporting requirements. The CSB also shall work with the Department through the VACSB DMC in planning and developing any additional reporting or documentation requirements beyond those identified in this contract to ensure that the requirements are consistent with the current taxonomy, the current CCS Extract, and the TEDS and other federal reporting requirements.
  6. Data Elements: The CSB shall work with the Department through the DMC to standardize data definitions, periodically review existing required data elements to eliminate elements that are no longer needed, minimize the addition of new data elements to minimum necessary ones, review CSB business processes so that information is collected in a systematic manner, and support efficient extraction of required data from CSB electronic health record systems whenever this is possible.
  7. Streamlining Reporting Requirements: The CSB shall work with the Department through the VACSB DMC to review existing reporting requirements including the current CCS Extract to determine if they are still necessary and, if they are, to streamline and reduce the number of portals through which those reporting requirements are submitted as much as possible; to ensure reporting requirements are consistent with the current CCS Extract Specifications and  Core Services Taxonomy; and to maximize the interoperability between Department and CSB data bases to support the electronic exchange of information and comprehensive data analysis.
  8. Data Quality: The CSB shall review data quality reports from the Department on the completeness and validity of its CCS Extract data to improve data quality and integrity. When requested by the Department, the CSB executive director shall develop and submit a plan of correction to remedy persistent deficiencies in the CSB’s CCS Extract submissions and, upon approval of the Department, shall implement the plan of correction.
  9. Providing Information: The CSB shall provide any information requested by the Department that is related to the services, funds, or expenditures in this contract or the performance of or compliance with this contract in a timely manner, considering the type, amount, and availability of information requested. Provision of information shall comply with applicable laws and regulations governing confidentiality, privacy, and security of information regarding individuals receiving services from the CSB.
  10. Reviews: The CSB shall participate in the periodic, comprehensive administrative and financial review of the CSB conducted by the Department to evaluate the CSB’s compliance with requirements in the contract and CSB Administrative Requirements and the CSB’s performance. The CSB shall address recommendations in the review report by the dates specified in the report or those recommendations may be incorporated in an Exhibit D.

11.   Subcontracting

A subcontract means a written agreement between the CSB and another party under which the other party performs any of the CSB’s obligations. Subcontracts, unless the context or situation supports a different interpretation or meaning, also may include agreements, memoranda of understanding, purchase orders, contracts, or other similar documents for the purchase of services or goods by the CSB from another organization or agency or a person on behalf of an individual.

If the CSB hires an individual not as an employee but as a contractor (e.g., a part- time psychiatrist) to work in its programs, this does not constitute subcontracting under this section. CSB payments for rent or room and board in a non-licensed facility (e.g., rent subsidies or a hotel room) do not constitute subcontracting under this section, and the provisions of this section, except for compliance with the Human Rights regulations, do not apply to the purchase of a service for one individual.

The CSB may subcontract any requirements in this contract. The CSB shall remain fully and solely responsible and accountable for meeting all of its obligations and duties under this contract, including all services, terms, and conditions, without regard to its subcontracting arrangements.

Subcontracting shall comply with applicable statutes, regulations, and guidelines, including the Virginia Public Procurement Act, § 2.1-4300 et seq. of the Code. All subcontracted activities shall be formalized in written contracts between the CSB and subcontractors. The CSB agrees to provide copies of contracts or other documents to the Department on request.

A.     Subcontracts

The written subcontract shall, as applicable and at a minimum, state the activities to be performed, the time schedule and duration, the policies, and requirements, including data reporting, applicable to the subcontractor, the maximum amount of money for which the CSB may become obligated, and the manner in which the subcontractor will be compensated, including payment time frames. Subcontracts shall not contain provisions that require a subcontractor to make payments or contributions to the CSB as a condition of doing business with the CSB.

B.      Subcontractor Compliance

The CSB shall require that its subcontractors comply with the requirements of all applicable federal and state statutes, regulations, policies, and reporting requirements that affect or are applicable to the services included in this contract. The CSB shall require that its subcontractors submit to the CSB all required CCS Extract data on individuals they served and services they delivered in the applicable format so that the CSB can include this data in its CCS Extract submissions to the Department. 

  1. The CSB shall require that any agency, organization, or person with which it intends to subcontract services that are included in this contract is fully qualified and possesses and maintains current all necessary licenses or certifications from the Department and other applicable regulatory entities before it enters into the subcontract and places individuals in the subcontracted service.
  2. The CSB shall require all subcontractors that provide services to individuals and are licensed by the Department to maintain compliance with the Human Rights Regulations adopted by the State Board.
  3. The CSB shall, to the greatest extent practicable, require all other subcontractors that provide services purchased by the CSB for individuals and are not licensed by the Department to develop and implement policies and procedures that comply with the CSB’s human rights policies and procedures or to allow the CSB to handle allegations of human rights violations on behalf of individuals served by the CSB who are receiving services from such subcontractors. When it funds providers such as family members, neighbors, individuals receiving services, or others to serve individuals, the CSB may comply with these requirements on behalf of those providers, if both parties agree.

C.     Subcontractor Dispute Resolution

The CSB shall include contract dispute resolution procedures in its contracts with subcontractors.

D.     Quality Improvement Activities

The CSB shall, to the extent practicable, incorporate specific language in its subcontracts regarding the quality improvement activities of subcontractors. Each vendor that subcontracts with the CSB should have its own quality improvement system in place or participate in the CSB’s quality improvement program.

12.   Compliance with Laws

CSB shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations to include, but not limited to, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Virginia Health Records Privacy Act, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, the 21st Century Cures Act, and the HITECH Act.  If any laws or regulations that become effective after the execution date of this contract substantially change the nature and conditions of this contract, they shall be binding upon the parties, but the parties retain the right to exercise any remedies available to them by law or other provisions of this contract.

A.     HIPAA

  1. The Parties shall comply with HIPAA and the regulations promulgated thereunder by their compliance dates, except where HIPAA requirements and applicable state law or regulations are contrary and state statutes or regulations are more stringent, as defined in 45 CFR § 160.202, than the related HIPAA requirements.
  2. The CSB shall execute, in accordance with HIPAA, a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) initiated by and with the Department governing the use, disclosure, and safeguarding of any HIPAA- or 42 CFR Part 2- protected health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), and other confidential data that it exchanges with the Department and its state facilities that is not covered by Section 10.F.3.a. to ensure the privacy and security of sensitive data. Additionally, the CSB shall enter into BAAs with vendors providing data platform, exchange, or other services/solutions to implement the Performance Contract, including those under contract with DBHDS and the Commonwealth, and DBHDS shall provide such support to the CSB as may be necessary to facilitate the CSB’s entering into those agreements.
  3. The Parties shall ensure sensitive data, including HIPAA-PHI, PII, and other confidential data, exchanged electronically with the Department, its state hospitals and training centers, other CSBs, other providers, regional or persons meets the requirements in the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2 standard and is encrypted using a method supported by the Department and CSB.
  4. To ensure the privacy and security of PHI, PII, and other confidential data and as necessary to comply with HIPAA, each Party shall execute a BAA with any person or entity, other than the party’s workforce, who performs functions or activities on behalf of, or provides certain services to, the Party that involve access by the person or entity to PHI, PII, or other confidential data.
  5. The CSB shall execute a BAA with the Department’s authorized business associate for the access of PHI, PII, and other confidential data that the CSB may be required to provide to the Department’s business associate to ensure the privacy and security of sensitive data. 

B.      Employment Anti-Discrimination

  1. The CSB shall conform to the applicable provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act of 1974, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, the Virginians With Disabilities Act, the Virginia Fair Employment Contracting Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, regulations issued by Federal Granting Agencies, and other applicable statutes and regulations, including § 2.2-4310 of the Code. The CSB agrees as follows:
  2. The CSB will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other basis prohibited by federal or state law relating to discrimination in employment, except where there is a bona fide occupational qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the CSB. The CSB agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause.
  3. The CSB, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the CSB, will state that it is an equal opportunity employer.
  4. Notices, advertisements, and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule, or regulation shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting these requirements.

C.     Service Delivery Anti-Discrimination

  1. The CSB shall conform to the applicable provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Virginians with Disabilities Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services pursuant thereto, other applicable statutes and regulations, and as further stated below.
  2. Services operated or funded by the CSB have been and will continue to be operated in such a manner that no person will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under such services on the grounds of race, religion, color, national origin, age, gender, or disability.
  3. The CSB and its direct and contractual services will include these assurances in their services policies and practices and will post suitable notices of these assurances at each of their facilities in areas accessible to individuals receiving services.
  4. The CSB will periodically review its operating procedures and practices to ensure continued conformance with applicable statutes, regulations, and orders related to non- discrimination in service delivery.

D.     General State Requirements

The CSB shall comply with applicable state statutes and regulations, State Board regulations and policies, and Department procedures, including the following requirements.

E.      Conflict of Interests

Pursuant to § 2.2-3100.1 of the Code, the CSB shall ensure that new board members are furnished with receive a copy of the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act by the executive director or his or her designee within two weeks following a member’s appointment, and new members shall read and become familiar with provisions of the act.

The CSB shall ensure board members and applicable CSB staff receive training on the act. If required by § 2.2-3115 of the Code, CSB board members and staff shall file annual disclosure forms of their personal interests and such other information as is specified on the form set forth in § 2.2-3118 of the Code. Board members and staff shall comply with the Conflict of Interests Act and related policies adopted by the CSB board of directors.

F.      Freedom of Information

Pursuant to § 2.2-3702 of the Code, the CSB shall ensure that new board members are furnished with a copy of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act by the executive director or his or her designee within two weeks following a member’s appointment, and new members shall read and become familiar with provisions of the act.

The CSB shall ensure board members and applicable staff receive training on the act. Board members and staff shall comply with the Freedom of Information Act and related policies adopted by the CSB by the CSB board of directors.

G.     Protection of Individuals Receiving Services

  1. Human Rights. The CSB shall comply with the current Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. The CSB shall adhere to any human rights guidance documents published by the Department. In the event of a conflict between any of the provisions in this contract and provisions in these regulations, the applicable provisions in the regulations shall apply.

    The CSB shall cooperate with any Department investigation of allegations or complaints of human rights violations, including providing any information needed for the investigation as required under state law and as permitted under 45 CFR § 164.512 (d) in as expeditious a manner as possible.
  2. Disputes. The filing of a complaint as outlined in the Human Rights Regulations by an individual or his or her family member or authorized representative shall not adversely affect the quantity, quality, or timeliness of services provided to that individual unless an action that produces such an effect is based on clinical or safety considerations and is documented in the individual’s individualized services plan.

H.     Licensing

The CSB shall comply with the Rules and Regulations for Licensing Providers by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. The CSB shall establish a system to ensure ongoing compliance with applicable licensing regulations. CSB staff shall provide copies of the results of licensing reviews, including scheduled reviews, unannounced visits, and complaint investigations, to all members of the CSB board of directors in a timely manner and shall discuss the results at a regularly scheduled board meeting. The CSB shall adhere to any licensing guidance documents published by the Department.

13.   Department Responsibilities

A.     Program and Service Reviews

The Department may conduct or contract for reviews of programs or services provided or contracted by the CSB under this contract to examine their quality or performance at any time as part of its monitoring and review responsibilities or in response to concerns or issues that come to its attention, as permitted under 45 CFR § 164.512 (a), (d), and (k) (6) (ii) and as part of its health oversight functions under § 32.1-127.1:03 (D) (6) and § 37.2-508 or § 37.2-608 of the Code or with a valid authorization by the individual receiving services or his authorized representative that complies with the Rules and Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. The CSB shall provide ready access to any records or other information necessary for the Department to conduct program or service reviews or investigations of critical incidents.

2.      State Facility Services

  1. Availability: The Department shall make state facility services available, if appropriate, through its state hospitals and training centers when individuals located in the CSB’s service area meet the admission criteria for these services.
  2. Bed Utilization: The Department shall track, monitor, and report on the CSB’s utilization of state hospital and training center beds and provide data to the CSB about individuals receiving services from its service area who are served in state hospitals and training centers as permitted under 45 CFR §§ 164.506 (c) (1), (2), and (4) and 164.512(k) (6) (ii).  The Department shall distribute reports to CSB on state hospital and training center bed utilization by the CSB for all types of beds (adult, geriatric, child, and adolescent, and forensic) and for TDO admissions and bed day utilization.
  3. Continuity of Care: The Department shall manage its state hospitals and training centers in accordance with State Board Policy 1035, to support service linkages with the CSB, including adherence to the applicable continuity of care procedures, and the current Exhibit K and other applicable document provided by the Department. The Department shall assure state hospitals and training centers use teleconferencing technology to the greatest extent practicable to facilitate the CSB’s participation in treatment planning activities and fulfillment of its discharge planning responsibilities for individuals in state hospitals and training centers for whom it is the case management CSB.
  4. Medical Screening and Medical Assessment: When working with CSB and other facilities to arrange for treatment of individuals in the state hospital, the state hospital shall assure that its staff follows the current Medical Screening and Medical Assessment Guidance Materials. The state hospital staff shall coordinate care with emergency rooms, emergency room physicians, and other health and behavioral health providers to ensure the provision of timely and effective medical screening and medical assessment to promote the health and safety of and continuity of care for individuals receiving services.
  5. Planning: The Department shall involve the CSB, as applicable and to the greatest extent possible, in collaborative planning activities regarding the future role and structure of state hospitals and training centers.

B.     Quality of Care

The Department in collaboration with the VACSB Data Management and Quality Leadership Committees and the VACSB/DBHDS Quality and Outcomes Committee shall identify individual outcome, CSB provider performance, individual satisfaction, individual and family member participation and involvement measures, and quality improvement measures, pursuant to § 37.2-508 or § 37.2-608 of the Code, and shall collect information about these measures and work with the CSB to use them as part of the Continuous Quality Improvement Process described in Appendix E of the CSB Administrative Requirements to improve services.

C.     Department CSB Performance Measures Data Dashboard

The Department shall develop a data dashboard to display the CSB Performance Measures in Exhibit B, developed in collaboration with the CSB, and disseminate it to CSB. The Department shall work with the CSB to identify and implement actions to improve the CSB’s ranking on any outcome or performance measure on which it is below the benchmark.

D.      Utilization Management

The Department shall work with the CSB, state hospitals and training centers serving it, and private providers involved with the public mental health, developmental, and substance use disorder services system to implement regional utilization management procedures and practices.

E.      Human Rights

The Department shall operate the statewide human rights system described in the current Rules and Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, by monitoring compliance with the human rights requirements in those regulations.

F.     Licensing

The Department shall license programs and services that meet the requirements in the current Rules and Regulations for Licensing Providers by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, and conduct licensing reviews in accordance with the provisions of those regulations. The Department shall respond in a timely manner to issues raised by the CSB regarding its efforts to coordinate and monitor services provided by independent providers licensed by the Department.

G.     Peer Review Process

The Department shall implement a process in collaboration with volunteer CSB to ensure that at least five percent of community mental health and substance abuse programs receive independent peer reviews annually, per federal requirements and guidelines, to review the quality and appropriateness of services. The Department shall manage this process to ensure that peer reviewers do not monitor their own programs.

H.        Electronic Health Record (EHR)

The Department shall implement and maintain an EHR in its central office and state hospitals and training centers that has been fully certified and is listed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology- Authorized Testing and Certification Body to improve the quality and accessibility of services, streamline and reduce duplicate reporting and documentation requirements, obtain reimbursement for services, and exchange data with CSB.

I.       Reviews

The Department shall review and take appropriate action on audits submitted by the CSB in accordance with the provisions of this contract and the CSB Administrative Requirements. The Department may conduct a periodic, comprehensive administrative and financial review of the CSB to evaluate the CSB’s compliance with requirements in the contract and CSB Administrative Requirements and the CSB’s performance. The Department shall present a report of the review to the CSB and monitor the CSB’s implementation of any recommendations in the report.

J.     Reporting and Data Quality Requirements

In accordance with State Board Policy 1030, the Department shall work with CSB through the VACSB DMC to ensure that current data and reporting requirements are consistent with each other and the current Core Services Taxonomy, the current CCS Extract, and the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) and other federal reporting requirements.

  1. The Department also shall work with CSB through the DMC in planning and developing any additional reporting or documentation requirements beyond those identified in this contract to ensure that the requirements are consistent with the current taxonomy, current CCS Extract, and TEDS and other federal reporting requirements.
  2. The Department shall work with the CSB through the DMC to develop and implement any changes in data platforms used, data elements collected, or due dates for existing reporting mechanisms, including CCS Extract, CARS, WaMS, FIMS, and the current prevention data system and stand-alone spreadsheet or other program- specific reporting processes.

K.      Community Consumer Submission

The Department shall collaborate with CSB through the DMC in the implementation and modification of the current CCS Extract, which reports individual characteristic and service data that is required under § 37.2-508 or § 37.2-608 of the Code, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and Part C of Title XIX of the Public Health Services Act – Block Grants, §1943 (a) (3) and § 1971 and § 1949, as amended by Public Law 106-310, to the Department and is defined in the current CCS Extract Specifications, including the current Business Rules.

  1. The Department will receive and use individual characteristic and service data disclosed by the CSB through CCS Extract as permitted under 45 CFR§§ 164.506 (c) (1) and (3) and 164.512 (a) (1) of the HIPAA regulations and § 32.1- 127.1:03.D (6) of the Code and shall implement procedures to protect the confidentiality of this information pursuant to § 37.2-504 or § 37.2-605 of the Code and HIPAA.
  • The Department shall follow the user acceptance testing process described in Addendum I Administrative Requirements and Processes and Procedures for new CCS Extract releases.

L.   Data Elements

The Department shall work with CSB through the DMC to standardize data definitions, periodically review existing required data elements to eliminate elements that are no longer needed, minimize the addition of new data elements to minimum necessary ones, review CSB business processes so that information is collected in a systematic manner, and support efficient extraction of required data from CSB electronic health record systems whenever this is possible.

The Department shall work with the CSB through the DMC to develop, implement, maintain, and revise or update a mutually agreed upon electronic exchange mechanism that will import all information related to the support coordination or case management parts of the ISP (parts I-IV) and VIDES about individuals who are receiving DD Waiver services from CSB EHRs into WaMS.  If the CSB does not use or is unable to use the data exchange, it shall enter this data directly into WaMS.

M.     Streamlining Reporting Requirements

The Department shall work with CSB through the DMC to review existing reporting requirements including the current CCS Extract to determine if they are still necessary and, if they are, to streamline and reduce the number of portals through which those reporting requirements are submitted as much as possible; to ensure reporting requirements are consistent with the current CCS Extract Specifications and  Core Services Taxonomy; and to maximize the interoperability between Department and CSB data bases to support the electronic exchange of information and comprehensive data analysis.

N.     Data Quality

The Department shall provide data quality reports to the CSB on the completeness and validity of its CCS Extract data to improve data quality and integrity. The Department may require the CSB executive director to develop and implement a plan of correction to remedy persistent deficiencies in the CSB’s CCS Extract submissions. Once approved, the Department shall monitor the plan of correction and the CSB’s ongoing data quality.

O.      Surveys

The Department shall ensure that all surveys and requests for data have been reviewed for cost effectiveness and developed through a joint Department and CSB process. The Department shall comply with the Procedures for Approving CSB Surveys, Questionnaires, and Data Collection Instruments and Establishing Reporting Requirements, reissued by the Commissioner.

17.     Communication

  1. The Department shall provide technical assistance and written notification to the CSB regarding changes in funding source requirements, such as regulations, policies, procedures, and interpretations, to the extent that those changes are known to the Department.
  2. The Department shall resolve, to the extent practicable, inconsistencies in state agency requirements that affect requirements in this contract.
  3. The Department shall provide any information requested by the CSB that is related to performance of or compliance with this contract in a timely manner, considering the type, amount, and availability of the information requested.
  4. The Department shall issue new or revised policy, procedure, and guidance documents affecting CSB via letters, memoranda or emails from the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, or applicable Assistant Commissioner to CSB executive directors and other applicable CSB staff and post these documents in an easily accessible place on its web site within 10 business days of the date on which the documents are issued via letters, memoranda, or emails.

P.     Department Comments or Recommendations on CSB Operations or Performance

The Commissioner of the Department may communicate significant issues or concerns about the operations or performance of the CSB to the executive director and CSB board members for their consideration, and the Department agrees to collaborate as appropriate with the executive director and CSB board members as they respond formally to the Department about these issues or concerns.

The executive director and CSB board members shall consider significant issues or concerns raised by the Commissioner of the Department at any time about the operations or performance of the CSB and shall respond formally to the Department, collaborating with it as appropriate, about these issues or concerns.

14.   Compliance and Dispute Resolution

The Department may utilize a variety of remedies, including requiring a corrective action plan, delaying payments, reducing allocations or payments, and terminating the contract, to assure CSB compliance with this contract. Specific remedies, described in Exhibit E of this contract, may be taken if the CSB fails to satisfy the reporting requirements in this contract.

In accordance with subsection E of § 37.2-508 or § 37.2-608 of the Code, the Department may terminate all or a portion of this contract, after unsuccessful use of the remediation process described in this section and after affording the CSB an adequate opportunity to use the dispute resolution process described in this of this contract. The Department shall deliver a written notice specifying the cause to the CSB’s board chairperson and executive director at least 75 days prior to the date of actual termination of the contract. In the event of contract termination under these circumstances, only payment for allowable services rendered by the CSB shall be made by the Department.

A.     Disputes

Resolution of disputes arising from Department contract compliance review and performance management efforts or from actions by the CSB related to this contract may be pursued through the dispute resolution process in this section, which may be used to appeal only the following conditions: reduction or withdrawal of state general or federal funds, unless funds for this activity are withdrawn by action of the General Assembly or federal government or by adjustment of allocations or payments pursuant to Section 8 of this contract; termination or suspension of the contract, unless funding is no longer available; 3.)  refusal to negotiate or execute a contract modification;

disputes arising over interpretation or precedence of terms, conditions, or scope of the contract; or

determination that an expenditure is not allowable under this contract.

B.      Dispute Resolution Process

Disputes arising from any of the conditions in this section of this contract shall be resolved using the following process:

  1. Within 15 calendar days of the CSB’s identification or receipt of a disputable action taken by the Department or of the Department’s identification or receipt of a disputable action taken by the CSB, the party seeking resolution of the dispute shall submit a written notice to the Department’s OMS Director, stating its desire to use the dispute resolution process. The written notice must describe the condition, nature, and details of the dispute and the relief sought by the party.
  2. The OMS Director shall review the written notice and determine if the dispute falls within the
    conditions listed in Section 15. If it does not, the OMS Director shall notify the party in writing within seven days of receipt of the written notice that the dispute is not subject to this dispute resolution process. The party may appeal this determination to the Commissioner in writing within seven days of its receipt of the Director’s written notification.
  3. If the dispute falls within the conditions listed in this section, the OMS Director shall notify the
    party within seven days of receipt of the written notice that a panel will be appointed within 15 days to conduct an administrative hearing.
  4. Within 15 days of notification to the party, a panel of three or five disinterested persons shall be
    appointed to hear the dispute. The CSB shall appoint one or two members; the Commissioner shall appoint one or two members; and the appointed members shall appoint the third or fifth member.
    Each panel member will be informed of the nature of the dispute and be required to sign a statement indicating that he has no interest in the dispute.
  5. Any person with an interest in the dispute shall be relieved of panel responsibilities and another person shall be selected as a panel member.
  6. The OMS Director shall contact the parties for a panel hearing at a mutually convenient time, date, and place. The panel hearing shall be scheduled not more than 15 days after the appointment of panel members. Confirmation of the time, date, and place of the hearing will be communicated to all parties at least seven days in advance of the hearing.
  7. The panel members shall elect a chairman and the chairman shall convene the panel. The party
    requesting the panel hearing shall present evidence first, followed by the presentation of the other party. The burden shall be on the party requesting the panel hearing to establish that the disputed decision or action was incorrect and to present the basis in law, regulation, or policy for its assertion. The panel may hear rebuttal evidence after the initial presentations by the CSB and the Department. The panel may question either party to obtain a clear understanding of the facts.
  8. Subject to provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the panel shall convene in closed session
    at the end of the hearing and shall issue written recommended findings of fact within seven days of the hearing. The recommended findings of fact shall be submitted to the Commissioner for a final decision.
  9. The findings of fact shall be final and conclusive and shall not be set aside by the Commissioner
    unless they are (a.) fraudulent, arbitrary, or capricious; (b.) so grossly erroneous as to imply bad faith; (c.) in the case of termination of the contract due to failure to perform, the criteria for performance measurement are found to be erroneous, arbitrary, or capricious; or (d.) not within the CSB’s purview.
  10. The final decision shall be sent by certified mail to both parties no later than 60 days after receipt of the written notice from the party invoking the dispute resolution process.
    Multiple appeal notices shall be handled independently and sequentially so that an initial appeal
    will not be delayed by a second appeal.
  11. The CSB or the Department may seek judicial review of the final decision to terminate the contract
    in the Circuit Court for the City of Richmond within 30 days of receipt of the final decision.

C.     Remediation Process

The Department and the CSB shall use the remediation process mentioned in subsection E of § 37.2-508 or § 37.2-608 of the Code to address a particular situation or condition identified by the Department or the CSB that may, if unresolved, result in termination of all or a portion of the contract in accordance with the provisions of this section. The parties shall develop the details of this remediation process and add them as an Exhibit D of this contract.  This exhibit shall:

  1. Describe the situation or condition, such as a pattern of failing to achieve a satisfactory level of performance on a significant number of major outcome or performance measures in the contract, that if unresolved could result in termination of all or a portion of the contract;
  2. Require implementation of a plan of correction with specific actions and timeframes approved by the Department to address the situation or condition; and
  3. Include the performance measures that will document a satisfactory resolution of the situation or condition.
  4. If the CSB does not implement the plan of correction successfully within the approved timeframes, the Department, as a condition of continuing to fund the CSB, may request changes in the management and operation of the CSB’s services linked to those actions and measures to obtain acceptable performance. These changes may include realignment or re-distribution of state-controlled resources or restructuring the staffing or operations of those services. The Department shall review and approve any changes before their implementation. Any changes shall include mechanisms to monitor and evaluate their execution and effectiveness.

15.   Liability

The CSB shall defend or compromise, as appropriate, all claims, suits, actions, or proceedings arising from its performance of this contract.  The CSB shall obtain and maintain sufficient liability insurance to cover claims for bodily injury and property damage and suitable administrative or directors and officers liability insurance.  The CSB may discharge these responsibilities by means of a proper and sufficient self-insurance program operated by the state or a city or county government. The CSB shall provide a copy of any policy or program to the Department upon request. This contract is not intended to and does not create by implication or otherwise any basis for any claim or cause of action by a person or entity not a party to this contract arising out of any claimed violation of any provision of this contract, nor does it create any claim or right on behalf of any person to services or benefits from the CSB or the Department.

16.   Severability

Each paragraph and provision of this contract is severable from the entire contract, and the remaining provisions shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect if any provision is declared invalid or unenforceable.

17.   Counterparts and Electronic Signatures

Except as may be prohibited by applicable law or regulation, this Agreement and any amendment may be signed in counterparts, by facsimile, PDF, or other electronic means, each of which will be deemed an original and all of which when taken together will constitute one agreement. Facsimile and electronic signatures will be binding for all purposes.