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Mobile Crisis Response

Are you or someone you know experiencing a mental health crisis?

Call 988 now.


Mobile Crisis Response (MCR) is an essential component of the comprehensive crisis care, no-wrong-door, system. This service is provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The purpose of this service is to provide for rapid response, assessment, and early intervention to individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Services are deployed in real-time to the location of the individual experiencing a behavioral health crisis.

Becoming A Provider

A Mobile Crisis Response provider must:

  • Be licensed as a provider of Outpatient Crisis Stabilization services by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) and be enrolled as a provider with the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS).
  • Follow all general Medicaid provider requirements as specified in DMAS’ Mental Health (MH) Services Provider Manual (Chapter II: Provider Participation Requirements –
  • Have an active, DBHDS approved, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the regional crisis hubs prior to providing mobile crisis response services. (DMAS Provider Manual Title: Mental Health Services, Appendix G: Comprehensive Crisis Services –
  • Complete and pass DBHDS required Mobile Crisis Response (MCR) training.

For the full Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) Mental Health Services Provider Manual, visit

Mobile Crisis Response Provider Training

Mobile Crisis Response (MCR) training comprises 11 modules, covering both youth and adult aspects. This comprehensive training spans multiple days and can be conducted by certified regional Hub staff or Sentara (formerly Optima). All MCR providers are required to complete and pass this training within 90 days of their hire date, as mandated by DBHDS and DMAS.

Minimum Standards


Providers of Mobile Crisis Response are expected to consistently commit to the delivery of crisis interventions in the least restrictive manner while ensuring the safety of the individual served and their family, with the goal the individual remaining in their community. The standard for Mobile Crisis Response providers is to respond within one hour of being dispatched.


Appropriate referrals for mobile crisis response are dispatched via Virginia Crisis Connect (VCC). For more information, visit