Here’s What We’re Doing
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Strategic Planning Sessions – TBA
Virginia Recovery Initiative (VRI)

What is the VRI?
In 2012, Virginia received a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale Technical Assistance Center Strategy (BRSS TACS) grant which supported the development of a statewide team of stakeholders that would champion efforts to emphasize the value of people’s lived experience of recovery from substance use and mental health conditions.
Coalition Building
VRI brings interested stakeholders together to focus on incorporating the voices of people in recovery in all aspects of behavioral health service delivery. Recovery champions meet in each region around the Commonwealth to develop community-based strategies to expand the “recovery footprint” in their areas. Each regional group sends representatives to the statewide team that meets bimonthly to develop strategies that are focused on enhancing a Recovery Oriented System of Care for Virginia.
For information on how to become a Recovery Advocate in your region please contact Kim Boyd, Recovery-Oriented Services Manager.