Year of the Peer

Hope you were able to join use for our 2023 Year of the Peer Conference at the OMNI in Richmond May 22 and 23!

2023 Year of the Peer Logo

Year of the Peer represents an exciting year-long opportunity to participate, capturing the passion of the peer workforce through planned events, conferences and workshops. The events, conferences and workshops are aimed to educate everyone in attendance on the role of the peer and the positive impact peers bring to the table.

Year of the Peer Vision: We envision Virginia as an integrated recovery-oriented system of care where Peer Specialists are valued for being champions, building connection, and offering support to individuals with mental health and substance use challenges.

Year of the Peer Mission: The Mission of Virginia’s Year of the Peer initiative 2023 is to celebrate champions of recovery, unify Peer Recovery Specialists, and build bridges of understanding with clinical colleagues, community partners, and organizations across Virginia.

Additional questions related to the YOTP Conference in May? Please email

Want to learn more about Year of the Peer? Start here!

Year of the Peer Connection Newsletter Jan_Feb Edition 2023

Year of the Peer Connection Newsletter March Edition 2023

YOTP 2023 Microgrants Awarded