Resources for Licensed Providers

Licensing Procedures

New Provider Policy Review Process

The Office of Human Right continues to be dedicated in providing education to assist provider applicants, or newly licensed or funded providers, or existing providers who’d like a refresher in navigating and understanding the Office of Human Rights processes and expectations. Please see New Provider Orientation Calendar below, to register for the opportunity to participate in a live education session provided by the Office of Human Rights.

Prior to receiving a visit from a Human Rights Advocate, your Complaint Resolution Policy must be approved. Additionally, the Human Rights Compliance Verification Checklist (HRCVC) must be completed and submitted. Please submit the required documentation via email to Within 30 working days of receipt of the required information, you will be notified of the status of your complaint resolution policy. If approved, you will receive the OHR Welcome Letter, the current statewide provider training schedule, and a copy of the HRCVC. If not approved, guidance for compliance will be provided to assist you in becoming compliant.

Providers of group home, sponsored residential, supported living, group day and group supported employment services available in a Developmental Disabilities (DD) waiver are required to demonstrate full compliance with Home and community-based services (HCBS) settings requirement in all settings (42 CFR Part 430, 431).  Approval by the Office of Human Rights of your Complaint Resolution Policy is separate and different from the review and determination by DMAS to approve your HCBS-specific policies. Compliance with the Human Rights Regulations is required and begins with approval of your Complaint Resolution Policy. For more information, go to the HCBS Toolkit on the DMAS website linked here

Existing Provider Information
Please submit the Human Rights Compliance Verification Checklist (HRCVC) for Existing Providers to and notify the Human Rights Advocate when the service modification request has been submitted to the Office of Licensing. If you will be providing services in a different region, the Advocate will connect you with the appropriate Regional Advocate in the new region. You will be advised about the LHRC’s in your new region and other relevant or pertinent information.

If you are a provider that currently holds a license with DBHDS and are seeking information regarding the changes to Crisis Services and Crisis Licenses effective 7-17-2024 including the new crisis regulations, how to transfer from the 07-006 license to the Crisis Receiving Center (23 hour service) license, or how to be approved for seclusion in your services, please access the Office of Licensing webpage and review the Power Point training presentation and materials that were reviewed during the provider training held on 7-10-2024. Requirements for the Office of Human Rights related to the use of seclusion in CRCs and CSUs along with the approval process are included and this information can be accessed directly from the Office of Licensing or Human Rights website. The Office of Licensing website can be found here:

Please visit the Office of Licensing webpage as referenced above to view the recording of the full Crisis Regulatory Training facilitated by the Office of Licensing on 7-10-24, where FAQs may also be found. The Office of Human Rights specific slides presented during the training, as well as the Office of Human Rights specific FAQs are found in the “Training” section below.

For questions related to the implementation of the new regulations, please submit your questions to the Office of Licensing using the link listed below, who will be reviewing questions daily and will be posting/updating our Q/A document two times per week.  


Listed on the 2025 Community Provider Trainings Calendar below you will find Provider education opportunities facilitated by the Office of Human Rights. New in 2025, the Office of Human Rights is pleased to announce that we will be offering Overview for Professionals Training and Dignity of Risk. Please see the calendar for details!

  • Clicking the Microsoft Teams Webinar link on the 2025 Community Provider Training Calendar below will allow you to register and participate in the live education session on the noted date and time.
  • Please be advised that dates and times are subject to change. Notification of any change in date or time will be provided by Microsoft Teams Webinar registration.

Certificate eligibility: CEU certificates are available upon request. Request for certificates are made via the registration. Anyone seeking a certificate will need to register for the session, and attend the course on the link provided from their registration. 

  • Attendees should individually register for the course and attend on the link provided from their registration – including when attending as a group. Certificates are issued to attendees, not as an agency. Please avoid sharing links as it can disrupt attendance verification.
  • Please be advised that attending the trainings on a cellular device may limit access and connectivity to the training.
  • Timely sign on to the the training and attending the full course is required.
  • Should a participants’ attendance be unable to be verified, a certificate will not be issued.

2025 Community Provider Trainings Calendar

Frequently Asked Questions

Slide Decks and Supplemental Materials

Crisis Regulatory Training (*Office of Human Rights Portion only) – Slides of the full training are available for review on the Office of Licensing webpage: Office of Licensing Webpage)

Reporting in CHRIS: Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, & Human Rights Complaints

Restrictions, Behavioral Treatment Plans, & Restraints

The Human Rights Regulations: An Overview

Investigating Abuse & Neglect: An Overview for Community Providers

  • Slide Deck
  • Investigations Training Manual
  • Optional Investigation Form
  • Investigation Review Sheet
  • Abuse and Neglect – Investigative Review Process (Supplemental Training Video):
    • Please note that reviewing this training video does not constitute meeting the regulatory or policy requirement of being a trained investigator in totality; nor replaces the need to attend the live web-based Investigating Abuse and Neglect training to obtain the certificate to be considered a trained investigator. This training video is a supplemental resource only, and is an informational review of the process regarding investigation of abuse and neglect. Providers may use the video as a supplemental resource after an employee has received the full training, or as an interim solution when the provider staff has registered for the next available live web-based training AND the training session is more than 30 days away.

Overview for Professionals

Memorandums, Technical Assistance, & Other Important Information

Rights Posters

LHRC Review Forms and Procedural Expectations for Providers

Variance Requests

The State Human Rights Committee considers requests for variances to The Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services at its meetings. Please contact your Regional Advocate for assistance with this process.