Human Rights Committees

The function of Human Rights Committees is to ensures due process for the individuals that are receiving or have recently received a service that is licensed, funded or operated by DBHDS.  Local Human Rights Committees (LHRC) perform the following activities on behalf of individuals: Review restrictions implemented by providers that last longer than seven days or occur three or more times during a 30-day period; Review Next-Friend designations; Hold hearings when individuals disagree with a providers finding following a human rights complaint; Review behavioral treatment plans that involve the use of restraint or time-out and Receive, review, and act on applications for variances to the Human Rights Regulations. The State Human Rights Committee (SHRC) oversees the operation of the LHRCs. The SHRC also works with the State Human Rights Director to ensure the effective and efficient operation of the Office of Human Rights concerning the Human Rights Regulations and other laws, policies, or regulations that are needed to ensure the protection of individual’s rights. See 12VAC35-115-270.

Virginia Code § 37.2-204 regulates the appointment of state and local human rights committee members. One-third of the appointments must be individuals who are receiving or who have received services or family members of such individuals, with at least two individuals who are receiving or who have received public or private mental health, developmental, or substance use treatment or habilitation services within five years of the date of their initial appointment. In addition, at least one appointment must be a health care provider and remaining appointments must include other persons with interest, knowledge, or training in the mental health, developmental, or substance abuse services field. 

No current employee of the Department, a community services board, a behavioral health authority, or any facility, program, or organization licensed or funded by DBHDS, or funded by a community services board or behavioral health authority shall serve as a member of any LHRC that serves an oversight function for the employing facility, program, or organization. And no current employee of DBHDS, a community services board, or a behavioral health authority shall serve as a member of the SHRC.

LHRCs consist of at least 5 volunteer members who serve in their respective regions and are appointed by the SHRC. The SHRC consists of 9 volunteer members from across the Commonwealth who represent their respective regions and are appointed by the DBHDS State Board. LHRCs meet at least once per quarter, while the SHRC meets 9 times a year. 

Membership Information

LHRC and SHRC Recruitment Information_9.27.18

Meeting Information

Dates are subject to change based on weather conditions, availability of an in-person quorum of committee members and appropriate and accessible meeting locations.

Anyone may view and listen to open portions of any a Local or State Human Rights Committee meeting via the Microsoft Teams Webinar link for each specific meeting. This information is available on the Commonwealth Calendar – Home (virginia.gov) You can use the following steps to search for LHRC and SHRC meeting information on the Commonwealth Calendar:

  • Select the date range for a meeting you are interested in.
  • Select the Category for an “Open Meeting”
  • Select the Sponsor as “Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Department of”
  • Enter a specific name of an LHRC, or simply “LHRC” or “SHRC” as a Keyword to assist in your search.

Any changes to the LHRC meeting schedule will be reflected on the Commonwealth Calendar and parties are encouraged to look at the meeting information on the Commonwealth Calendar prior to planning their attendance

Public Comments: Public comments will be received by the LHRC and SHRC during the public comment section noted on the meeting agenda.  This generally occurs at the beginning of the meeting. Any person seeking to make public comment may submit comments in writing by noon on the day before the meeting. Written comments directed to the LHRC should be submitted by email to the OHR staff person listed for that specific LHRC on the LHRC Meeting Schedule linked below. Written comments directed to the SHRC should be submitted by email to the SHRD by email to taneika.goldman@dbhds.virginia.gov. If the person who submitted the comment is not present at the meeting (in person or virtually), the OHR staff person or SHRD will read the comment for the record and a copy will be provided to the committee members.

For Providers: To add items to a specific LHRC agenda, please contact the OHR Staff person listed for that specific LHRC. Please note that the agenda deadline is two weeks prior to the meeting date.

For questions about a specific LHRC, please contact the OHR Staff person listed for that specific LHRC.  For general information about how to access an LHRC meeting in your Region/State Facility please contact the corresponding Manager.

SHRC Video Presentation Library

The following videos are presentations of information provided during the SHRC meetings. For full description of SHRC meetings, please see “SHRC Meeting Minutes” located at the bottom of the page.

Attending an LHRC or SHRC Fact-finding review? Here are some FAQs to help prepare!

Fact-finding Review FAQs

LHRC Meeting Minutes

2024 LHRC Minutes

Past LHRC Minutes

SHRC Meeting Minutes

2024 SHRC Minutes

Past SHRC Minutes


LHRC Bylaws

SHRC Bylaws


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