As part of the DBHDS Office of Clinical Quality Management, the Office of Community Quality Improvement (OCQI) supports DBHDS’ Quality Management System through:
- Participating either as members or as advisory members to all Developmental Disabilities (DD) quality committees
- Serving as chair to each Regional Quality Council (RQCs)
- Providing technical assistance and consultation to DD quality subcommittees
- Mentoring, and strengthening quality improvement in DD community-based service providers
- Making data driven decisions to improve the quality of services at a system, provider, and individual level
- Providing technical assistance and consultation to internal and external state partners, and DD community-based licensed providers related to developing, implementing, and monitoring quality improvement programs
- Developing and/or offering resources for evidence-based best practice guidance and training related to quality improvement for use by DD community-based providers
- Participating in DD community-based quality review processes for DBHDS including the Support Coordination Quality Record Review
- Assisting in the evaluation of service quality
Support Coordination Quality Reviews are conducted at each CSB as part of the comprehensive quality improvement program. CSB case management/support coordination (SC) supervisors/QI specialists complete these quality reviews. DBHDS identifies a statistically significant stratified statewide sample of individuals receiving HCBS waiver services and provides each CSB with the names of individuals to be reviewed. CSB supervisors/QI specialists complete a portion of the reviews each quarter. These reviews include an assessment of core case management requirements. Data from the reviews is used by the CSB and the DBHDS Case Management Steering Committee (CMSC) to analyze implementation of case management processes and to develop quality improvement initiatives to strengthen areas of weakness. In order to ensure the integrity of the CSB quality reviews, OCQI staff complete a retrospective review of a sample of records reviewed by each of the CSBs at least once per year using the same review process in order to measure agreement quantitatively. DBHDS provides technical assistance to SC supervisors/QI specialists to increase reliability of the results in future reviews and to identify any CSB specific improvements needed. CMSC analyzes data throughout the process to determine systemic areas in need of improvement, including, as needed, recommendations for enforcement actions pursuant to the CSB Performance Contract and licensing regulations. To find announcements on SCQRs:!forum/dds-provider-network
QI Training and Resources
Looking for information on QI training and resources? Please visit Clinical and Quality Management QI Library.
Module 1: Hand Hygiene/Handwashing
- Introduction and Handwashing RQC4 03.28.24
- UTI Learning Collaborative Playbook FINAL
- RQC4 QII UTI Behavior Handwashing 03.28.24
- RQC4 QII UTI Handwashing 0224.04
- Wash-Your-Hands-Fact-Sheet
- Hand-Sanitizer
- Hand-Hygiene-At-Work
- QI Job Aid w PDSA Worksheet_2024 FILL IN THE BLANK
- QI Job Aid w PDSA Worksheet_2024 Handwashing
- Handwashing Quiz Evaluation
- Competency Verification Form
Module 2: Perineal Care for Males and Females
- RQC4 LC Session 2 Pre-Quiz
- RQC4 LC Answer Key Session 2 Pre-Quiz
- RQC4 Perineal Care Group Call 4.25.24
- Perineal Care
- QI Job Aid w PDSA worksheet 2024 PERINEAL CARE
- RQC4 LC Session 2 Post-Quiz
Module 3: Timely Medical Care
- RQC4 LC Session 3 Pre-Quiz 05.25
- 3-Timely Medical Care Call
- RQC4 QII UTI Local Medical Care Card-Advocacy 05.24.06
- Consent Tip Sheet
- Local Medical Care Card
- Medicaid Waiver Tip Sheet
- DBHDS-My-Care-Passport-9.25.22
- Discharge Tip Sheet
- RQC4 LC Session 3 Post-Quiz
- RQC4 LC Answer Key
Module 4: Obtaining a Clean Urine Catch