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Data & Statistics

Retrospective Review Reports (Look-Behind)

The retrospective review of human rights investigations, or “look-behind” process, was established to ensure that human rights investigations are conducted by licensed providers and state operated facilities in compliance with The Office of Human Rights (OHR) regulations in the Virginia Administrative Code. This process identifies areas where training or follow-up assistance is warranted in order to improve the investigative processes and outcomes.

Community Look-Behind (CLB)

Facility Look-Behind (FLB)

State Human Rights Committee Annual Report

The SHRC Annual Report to the DBHDS State Board presents the year’s activities and achievements of the State Human Rights Committee (SHRC) and the Office of Human Rights (OHR) in accordance with our duties and responsibilities under the Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (Regulations). This report is intended to inform the State Board about the protection of the human rights of individuals receiving services and the contributions of Virginia’s citizens who serve as volunteers to assure those rights.