Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental ServicesAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Resources for State Operated Facilities

Pursuant to the Code of Virginia, The Office of Human Rights assists the Department in fulfilling its legislative mandate under §37.2-400 to assure and protect the legal and human rights of all Individuals as stipulated in the Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated By The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services,

Please see the Virginia Legislative Information System (LIS) to access the Human Rights Regulations. Below are Rights Posters available for download or printing:

Rights Posters


Additional Rights Protection Agencies contact information:

For Non-DBHDS related complaints please see referral sheet below:

Non-DBHDS related complaints

Memorandums & Technical Assistance


State Operated Facilities Training slide decks:

Facility New Employee Orientation

*Please see Facility New Hire Orientation PowerPoint Below. This presentation is designed to be facilitated by facility training staff to educate new employees of State Operated Facilities on regulatory practices and compliances with the Human Rights Regulations. The presentation appendix provides additional slides to incorporate in the required material to supply additional supplemental education for specific facility needs and preferences.

Facility Investigation Training

Reporting in CHRIS: Facilities

Local Human Rights Committee (LHRC) & State Human Rights Committee (SHRC)

Attending a Fact-Finding Review? Please see below for helpful information in attendance!

Fact-Finding Review FAQs

For information regarding the LHRC or SHRC, including how to obtain meeting dates, please click below to be taken to the LHRC & SHRC page:

LHRC & SHRC Information


PURSUIANT TO FOIA, if you would like to make a request for LHRC or SHRC documents, see the FOIA request portal below:

LHRC Review Forms & Procedural Expectations for Facilities

Variance Requests

The State Human Rights Committee considers requests for variances to The Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services at its meetings. Please contact the Facility Advocate Manager for assistance with this process.